Most Canadian couples move in together within months of dating, survey suggests

Photo from Getty Images.
Photo from Getty Images.

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes finding a home you and your partner can afford that is a reasonable distance from your work so you don’t have a three-hour commute. At least that is how it used to be.

But a new study from Wayfair Canada suggests marriage is no longer a requirement for co-habitation. More than half of the 900 Canadians surveyed say they had shared residences with their partners before dating for a full year.

Graphic from Wayfair.
Graphic from Wayfair.

Even across age groups, “shacking up” before the one-year mark seems to be an upward trend. One third of millenials and generation Xers decided to move in within six months of beginning a new relationship, according to the survey, while baby boomers take it a little slower with only a quarter of them making the leap that early.

Canadians were also more likely than Americans to purchase or rent a new home together, rather than moving into one or the other’s existing space, the study suggests.

Graphic from Wayfair.
Graphic from Wayfair.

It seems in Canada that it is not only a burning passion for one another that makes couples want to live together so soon, but finances play a key role, as well.

“The average Canadian home was worth nearly $520,000 in February, and rents are pricey in many cities, so couples may choose to live together for practical purposes — to split the rent,” reports the Huffington Post.

Sharing the bills is also apparently making it possible for Canadians to live a slightly more glamorous life. Wayfair says American couples living together only spent between $300 to $700 on new furnishings, while Canadians spent an average of $1,000 to $3,000 to spruce up their new love nests.

Graphic from Wayfair.
Graphic from Wayfair.