Moyse in 7th place after Day 1 of competition

Heather Moyse and rookie partner Alyssia Rissling are in seventh place after clocking a time of 50.95 in the second heat on the Olympic bobsleigh track Tuesday in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Meanwhile, Moyse's former partner Kaillie Humphries, with whom she won two gold medals at the previous two Olympics, sits fifth after the opening two runs in the women's event.

After the heats, Moyse said she was happy with the results.

"I think tonight was great, I can't expect anything more than two consistent runs," she said. "We were treating this like any normal race — if you want to call any kind of bobsleigh race normal!"

Being consistently good is what gets teams to the podium, Moyse said, which requires a certain mindset. Moyse and Rissling have a game plan that involves ignoring the times they clocked and focusing on fixing small mistakes.

"There's never going to be a perfect bobsleigh run," she said. "So accepting little mistakes and just knowing it's the challenge of tweaking, and seeing how close to the best run that you personally have ever put together."

Canada's Christine de Bruin and Melissa Lotholz are in eighth place.

Humphries hopes to get into medal contention with brakeman Phylicia George on Wednesday.

"As we saw in the men's race, a lot can happen on day two," Humphries said. "We're really going to focus on what we can improve tomorrow and come out swinging."

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