N.C. man shares half of $100,000 lottery prize with friend

A pair of North Carolina friends abided by a pact they made several years ago and split the $100,000 prize from a scratch-off lottery ticket. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI

May 22 (UPI) -- A North Carolina man kept up his end of a pact made years ago and split his $100,000 prize from a scratch-off lottery ticket with a friend.

Curtis Hudson of Laurinburg told North Carolina Education Lottery officials his first move after winning $100,000 from a $2,000,000 Diamond Deluxe ticket he bought from Carlie C's on South Main Street was to call his friend Walter Bonds.

"I could hear it in his voice," Bonds recalled.

The men made a lottery agreement years ago.

"We decided if either of us won a big prize we would split it," Bonds said. "And we are both men of our words."


Both men said they frequently buy scratch-off tickets.

"Whatever I feel good about at the time, that's what I buy," Hudson said.

Hudson said he plans to do some home improvement projects with his half of the winnings and Bonds said his will go into savings.