NDP Leader Mike Redmond changes election plans

P.E.I. NDP Leader Mike Redmond has changed his mind about where he will run in the next provincial election.

In July 2013, Redmond announced he would run in District 12, Charlottetown-Victoria Park, and has been campaigning extensively. Today he told CBC News he will run in District 3, Montague-Kilmuir.

District 3 is currently represented by Liberal Cabinet Minister Allen Roach, who is running again. The Progressive Conservative candidate is Andrew Daggett.

Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 30 president and letter carrier Chris Clay is seeking the NDP nomination in District 12 instead.

“More than ever, people in District 12 need a change from the Liberal and Conservative parties and I promise to deliver that change as the NDP MLA for our community,” said Clay in a news release.

The MLA currently representing District 12 is Liberal Richard Brown and he is running again.