P.E.I man has license suspended for 7 days for operating boat while drinking

A 60-year-old Island man has been suspended from operating a motorized vehicle for seven days after he was stopped while operating a boat and drinking, despite having under 0.08 blood alcohol content.

Kings District RCMP were called to the Morell River on April 14 to help a provincial conservation officer who had stopped the man.

Police say they read the man a demand to provide breath samples.

The man was taken to the Montague RCMP Office where he provided samples that were over 50, but less than 80 mgs of alcohol in 100 ml of blood.

The reading resulted in a 7 day suspension from operating a motorized vehicle. The man was not fined.

"They weren't over the legal limit, but there was alcohol in his system enough to suspend his license," said Cpl. Alexis Triantafillou.

"If you're operating your boat, if it's motorized, while you're impaired by alcohol and or drug, the consequences are the exact same if you're operating your vehicle on the highway. If you're boating, you don't drink. If you're driving, you don't drink."

RCMP said as the recreational fishing season is underway, they will be doing patrols.

"Officers will be making patrols throughout the boating season to ensure that operators have not been drinking, and that boats have the required equipment on board,"said Staff Sgt. Kevin Baillie.

Baillie said police officers can demand that someone who is operating a power boat, and has consumed alcohol, to provide a breath sample.

"The penalties for operating a power boat while impaired … usually include a large fine, period of incarceration, and a lengthy suspension from operating a motorized vehicle, including a boat, anywhere in Canada."

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