PC Leader Rob Lantz and candidates sign pledge

The leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of P.E.I., Rob Lantz, and his team of candidates are signing what they call an "accountability pledge."

Lantz says it puts a key party commitment to Islanders in writing and outlines the standard of conduct MLAs will be expected to meet.

The pledge spells out guidelines for management of personal and public affairs, for serving constituents, and actions as public stewards.

"Is it symbolic? Somewhat," said Lantz. "But a code of ethics is something that is not uncommon and this pledge of accountability is something that I want members of our new government to think about clearly when they are signing this so that they know exactly what's expected of them."

The pledge states, among other things, that candidates will "manage personal affairs and public responsibilities in a manner that reflects the highest ideals of public service," that they will "do what is right, not just what is easy or politically advantageous," and they will "manage public funds carefully and ensure they are used only for the public good."

Rob Lantz says every candidate will sign the pledge before Islanders go to the polls.

He doesn't think anyone will refuse.