Planning a summer road trip? EV drivers, do your homework

Are you planning a fun summer road trip and thinking you may want to take the family to a national park? Well, if you have an EV, you might want to do some extra homework, as a new study shows that many of Parks Canada's multi-day road trips could prove to be difficult or even impossible with an EV.

Daniel Scott, a professor and research chair in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo, tells The Weather Network that 25% of the 33 multi-day road trips are impossible in an EV due to too much space between charging stations or no Level 3 chargers on route.

And while some provinces like British Columbia and Quebec are doing better than others, Scott adds that by 2030, three-quarters of Parks Canada campsites won't be able to keep up with demand.

Watch the video above to learn more.

(Header image courtesy of Andrew Roberts via Unsplash)