Pregnant woman ineligible for Quebec health coverage gets reprieve

Pregnant woman ineligible for Quebec health coverage gets reprieve

The Chinese woman who was asked by the Quebec government to produce a $12,000 deposit for her upcoming childbirth has had Health Minister Gaétan Barrette intervene on her behalf.

Liang Zhong had been picking up extra shifts at work to try to make the extra money needed to fund the birth of her child after Quebec wouldn't let her renew her government health coverage.

"You become kind of exhausted going through everything, trying to get attention and now we can focus on the baby stuff," Lizotte said.

Zhong has lived in Quebec since 2008 but recently had to switch her class of work permit due to the amount of time since she completed university.

The new kind of permit wouldn't cover her with Quebec's health insurance.

Her husband, Jason Lizotte, appealed to Quebec Health Minister Gaétan Barrette, who happens to be the couple's MNA.

Last Thursday, the couple got a call from Barrette's office the minister had intervened.

Their stress and struggle over the situation leaves them concerned for others who are falling through the cracks.

"It may have been an exception in my case," Lizotte said. "What do we do with the other people on open work permits that, according to the Canada Health Act, ought to be eligible?"