'Prince of Wales' row: Why thousands of people want inherited title to end

King Charles III was the long serving Prince of Wales before he assumed the throne - and the decision to pass the title to his son has proven a controversial one.

After William took on the role from his father following Queen Elizabeth II's death, a petition was launched calling for the use of the Prince of Wales title to end.

Trystan Gruffydd, a medical student originally from Pontypridd, created the petition because he thought William's inheritance of the title was an "unfair decision" which was "rushed through".

The online petition has been signed by more than 39,000 people.

Mr Gruffydd told Sky News: "I realised there were quite a lot of frustrations across Wales with the announcement so I decided to make the petition just so that people's voices could be heard, because clearly no one had been consulted really about the title and the fact it was controversial.

"I wouldn't want to see the title being used because I think it undermines Wales's status as a nation, a country with a devolved government."

William's divided loyalties on the football pitch as patron of England's Football Association do not help, Mr Gruffydd said.

He added: "I think personally William should just be free to support England, not pretend as though he's a Welsh fan. Just stop using the title and just enjoy supporting his own country."

'I would have loved a similar investiture'

Conservative Senedd member Janet Finch-Saunders told Sky News that people in Wales were "absolutely proud" of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

She said they were "doing a phenomenal amount of work in engaging with Wales and it's just very appropriate".

Ms Finch-Saunders said the title was a "gift" which the King can award and it "shouldn't need the permission of anybody other than the King".

The member for Aberconwy said that while she would support an investiture, she would understand if the Royal Family were to choose a different format.

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While the two most recent title holders before William had an investiture - both held at Caernarfon Castle - there is no constitutional necessity for a Prince of Wales to have a public investiture.

Ms Finch-Saunders added: "I would have loved a similar investiture, but at the end of the day it's down to the Royal Family and the King and the Prince of Wales how they want to bring this forward.

"And as things have evolved they may have different ideas, but I do think it should be recognised in some form."

'Mixed reaction' to Charles's investiture

The investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales in Caernarfon in 1969 was watched by 500 million people around the world.

The event was met with a "mixed reaction", according to a historian who has studied the radical response to the investiture.

Dr Rhodri Evans, of Aberystwyth University, told Sky News that Wales was experiencing "a nationalist awakening" during this period, particularly with the drowning of the community of Capel Celyn in 1965.

At that time, despite huge protests, the village near Bala was drowned under the newly formed Tryweryn reservoir in order to provide a new water supply for Liverpool.

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The move was so controversial as no permission was sought from Welsh authorities or the local community, and Capel Celyn was one of the last remaining Welsh-only speaking communities.

Dr Evans said there was an attempt to "invest Charles with a degree of Welshness" which struck "quite a sympathetic note with a number of Welsh people".

He added: "It was something of a novel approach really that the eldest son of a monarch be sent to a Welsh institution to learn the Welsh language, and Charles of course did develop a degree of proficiency in the language and was able to showcase that effectively."

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According to Dr Evans, the event was "so polarising" that the Royal Family may be more cautious about holding a similar investiture in 2023.

Kensington Palace has previously said there are no plans for William to receive a formal investiture ceremony as Prince of Wales.