Princess Charlotte Had "A Fire to Her" at the Eras Tour, Jason Kelce Says

Princess Charlotte Had "A Fire to Her" at the Eras Tour, Jason Kelce Says

"We met royalty, guys!" Travis Kelce proclaimed on his podcast, New Heights, that he co-co-hosts with his brother, Jason.

On the newest episode of their show, the Kelce brothers detailed meeting Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte backstage with at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in London this past weekend. "I got to meet Prince William!" Travis says. "Dude, he was the coolest motherf*cker—he was so cool." Then Jason cuts in and says, "Dude, he was so awesome. He's a good dude."

Travis adds, "He was there with little George, and Charlotte. They were an absolute delight to meet. Wasn't sure if I was supposed to bow to them, curtsy, just be an American idiot and shake their hands, like, 'Sup, dude.'" Jason continues, "They specified—we did get warning, because honestly we didn't know the actual [protocol]—but because we weren't at an official royal event, we didn't have to bow or curtsy. If it would've been an official meeting of royalty event, it would've been that. But still address him as 'Your Royal Highness.'"

"We wanted to be polite," Travis says, "especially on this side of the pond."

The brothers then go on to discuss what it was like meeting the royals. Jason says, laughing, "I've never felt emasculated, and I did—that was the closest I've ever been." Travis tells him, "I've never seen you give someone that much respect. You put your beer, like, ten feet away from you."

Jason adds they were "wonderful people." Because they're royals, he says, "hard to be down-to-earth people, I would assume, but came off that way." Travis adds, "very genuine, very cool." Jason says the three royals were "honored to be there to meet Taylor."

"I gotta say, Prince William was fantastic, but the highlight was Princess Charlotte. Prince George was great too," Jason says. "[Charlotte] was so f*cking adorable. I cannot express how—maybe because I have three girls now, [but] she had a fire to her! She was asking questions. That was the most electric part." Travis agrees, saying Princess Charlotte "was a superstar!"

Travis complemented Prince William's parenting, saying, "if anybody's doing it right, Prince William's doing it right."

Watch the full episode here:

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