Punishment of Miami-Dade man accused of child sexual abuse is a ‘farce’ and insulting | Opinion

Sex offender

Keisha Etienne’s tearful photograph on the May 29 Miami Herald front page is heartbreaking. Anyone reading the article, “Why doesn’t Miami-Dade man accused of child sexual abuse have to register as a sex offender?” would be insulted and angered at the lack of anything resembling justice. That she turned to Judge Alberto Milian as a final hope (and did not receive justice) is tragic.

All she wanted as a child was affection from a father figure. Instead, a monster living in her midst lied, manipulated and abused her for years. The accused got 10 years of probation “and barred from contact with children.”

Albert Bassett is 90 years old. What a farce to give him 10 years probation. He will die soon, while Etienne will carry the harm he did to her for the rest of her life.

Prosecutor Arvind Singh’s excuse for not being clearer about the decision to only give Bassett probation “out of respect“ for Etienne is insulting.

How hard was it to make him plead guilty to taking advantage of a child? How hard was it to make him register as a sex offender?

Etienne spoke of her “lack of voice” in this world. Our system has shut her voice.

Teresa Fernandez,

South Miami

Bottoms up

The upside-down American flag is the perfect symbol for those who would believe ex-President Donald Trump stands for freedom and democracy. They have it 180 degrees wrong.

Susan B. Whitman Helfgot,

Coral Gables

Trump’s guilt

Ex-President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying his company’s business records and to keep that information from voters before the 2016 presidential campaign. Lying on official business filings is a serious criminal offense and another clear example of Trump’s pattern of doing anything to gain or stay in power. No one is above the law.

Despite the guilty verdict, Trump is still running for president. If he is elected to a second term, our democracy would be in serious peril. He has pledged to use the Department of Justice as revenge against his political opponents, pardon himself and his allies for crimes they committed and deploy the military against demonstrators exercising their First Amendment rights — all while purging the federal government of anyone who doesn’t agree with him.

There’s too much at stake to let Trump return to the Oval Office. We must make sure we hold him accountable at the ballot box in November.

Stephanie Lenn,


Throwing darts

In recent years, I have had to hold my nose when entering the voting booth while voting for president. I have become so sick of the hubris, the name-calling, the vitriol and the incivility displayed by our political leaders.

Donald Trump’s conviction probably won’t change many minds, but many voters have abdicated their responsibility to pick our leaders because they can no longer stomach the propaganda, the hateful rhetoric and the nastiness of American politics.

Charles Michael Sitero,

Ormond Beach

Vote by mail

Florida passed a sleight-of-hand requirement for voters to re-register to vote by mail, likely intending to eliminate votes by Democrats. Therefore, there must be a major public relations effort to make sure all potential voters understand this situation and take timely action to be able to vote. As a democracy, we must ensure that all citizens can cast their vote.

Senior citizens like myself can ill afford to stand in line for hours under Florida’s blistering sun to cast their vote. Ultimately, this requirement to re-register must be changed.

The Miami Herald must do whatever it can to ensure our voting privileges and secure our democracy.

Mary Rae Smith,

Lake Mary

Biden’s errors

Although I am not a “Trumper,” I am an Independent who most often leans Republican, as I agree with most conservative policies. That being said, the media should equally point out the disaster the Biden administration has been, namely, its lack of unequivocal support for Israel, one of our historically strongest allies in one of the most contentious regions in the world.

In addition, the administration retreated from Afghanistan in a poorly planned exit, leading to the death of U.S. soldiers, leaving dangerous military equipment behind and emboldening an enemy that persecutes and abuses women.

The media also hasn’t provided enough information about Hunter Biden’s laptop computer controversy. Trump’s mishandling of top secret U.S. government documents is often mentioned, but little is said about Joe Biden’s similar documents fiasco.

Braulio Ortiz,


Rich white guy

Republicans and conservatives have always supported our nation’s legal system, even when all-white juries were sending Black people and minorities to prison. Now that a wealthy white male has been convicted, they are vociferously tearing down the legitimacy of the legal system in favor of that convicted felon.

This is a disgrace — and deplorable, as former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton famously said. I am a Cuban American and I will never ever vote for any Republican.

Jose A. Fernandez,


Scary choice

Why didn’t our potential future president get up on the stand and tell his story and defend himself? Was he afraid?

Is this the kind of man we want running our country?

John B. McCaughan,

Miami Shores

No pardons

If President Joe Biden is being pressured to pardon ex-President Donald Trump, I hope he understands that Trump will turn around and kick him in the face with ads and speeches to press his claim that Biden lead the charges against him.

Biden is seen by some as an illegitimate president, yet he has the power to pardon?

Should Trump become president, will he drop his plans to investigate Biden for the good of the country?

Hardly likely.

Sonja Pantry,


Golden key

Finlay Matheson should follow his family’s generosity and donate Bird Key to the Nature Conservatory or Audubon Society so that precious key will never be developed. In 1929, his family donated 80 acres on Biscayne Bay for Matheson Hammock. In 1940, William John Matheson donated 808 acres to Dade County; it’s now Crandon Park.

My son and I have kayaked to Bird Key many times. Besides enjoying its splendor and observing water birds like osprey, frigates and herons, it is quite abundant with game fish such as tarpon and snook. This mangrove island is a gem.

Mangroves improve water quality, provide life for thousands of marine species, stabilize the coast, trap carbon to keep the planet healthy and are protected by Florida law. That precious key must be for all to enjoy forever.

Jack Dresner,


Where’s the beef?

As with the $360 billion of federal money Florida turned down for climate protection — the only state to do so — we are now also the only state to ban engineered meat. Gosh darn governor, I wanted to try it!

However, we must keep those pollution-generating factory farms in business. So much for a free Florida.

Monica Tracy,

Miami Beach

Record lows

Clearly, for United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the end justifies the means. He refuses to recuse himself from Jan. 6-related cases by saying his wife, not he, was responsible for the flags flying over his two homes. These flags support the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attacks. We may never know what, if anything, Chief Justice John Roberts told Alito in terms of a possible recusal.

While Roberts claims to be concerned about the public’s perception of the Court, do either of them see how Alito’s continued participation in these cases appears to the public?

Justice is indeed blind.

Sylvan Seidenman,


Rich get richer

Inflation is eating into everyone’s budget. Interest rates are high. Rents are high. Eggs are more expensive than ever. No matter, patriots. If you truly love your country, you’ll send Donald Trump money —now!

Five dollars, 10 dollars, next month’s car payment. Whatever you can’t spare.

Convicted felon?

Balderdash. If you truly love your country, you’ll send pseudo billionaire Trump your hard-earned savings. Don’t let the socialists win.

Eddie Friedman,
