Queen Consort Camilla’s hair stylist says grey hair makes you look ‘mumsy’

Jo Hansford, the hair stylist in charge of Queen Consort Camilla’s locks, has said that going grey makes people “talk to you like you’re an old person”.

The colourist, who was made an MBE in 2010 for outstanding service to the hairdressing industry, discussed hair colour on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour recently.

She declared that she “hates grey” hair and believes that hair colour needs to adapt to a person’s complexion, which changes as they age.

Asked why she’s so against going grey, she said: “Because you don’t need to be grey anymore, we have the best products in the world now that you can look beautiful and much younger, 10 years younger, if you don’t have grey hair.”

The only exception, according to Hansford, is having silver-white hair. “Unless you have the most beautiful, beautiful silver, silver-white hair, which is very strong, [and] a very sharp haircut… you are a very glamorous person,” she said.

“But not a lot of people are. I think it’s mumsy. People look at you in a different way, they talk to you in a different way – they talk to you like you’re an old person.”

Hansford has worked as Camilla’s hair stylist for 35 years. She operates two salons in Mayfair and at Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge, overseeing a team of 90 employees.

Her other famous clients include Elizabeth Hurley and Angelina Jolie.

Camilla’s hair stylist of 35 years has said that she ‘hates’ grey hair (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Camilla’s hair stylist of 35 years has said that she ‘hates’ grey hair (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

She also opened up about her relationship with Camilla and their shared interests, such as gardening and their families.

“Our children are about the same age and we talk about grandchildren and the holidays and what they’re doing,” Hansford told Woman’s Hour host Nuala McGovern.

“Yes, we talk about normal things like with any other client. I don’t delve into secret things. You have to be very discreet in our business.”

Hansford did divulge her thoughts about the forthcoming coronation of King Charles III and Camilla, which will take place on Saturday 6 May.

She said: “I think [Camilla will] look gorgeous. I think she’s nervous like any other person would be nervous but I’m sure her hair will look the same as it always does and it does look gorgeous.”

However, Hansford revealed she is worried about whether Queen Mary’s crown, which Camilla will be crowned with, will mess with her hairstyle.

“The difficulty will be putting the crown on without changing the style,” she said. “How that happens, I don’t know. I won’t be there – I’ll be watching it on telly.”

The Queen Consort will wear Queen Mary’s crown, but it will not feature the controversial Koh-i-noor diamond nor its replica. She will be the first consort to reuse a crown at a coronation instead of commissioning a new one since the 18th century.