The Queen’s funeral latest LIVE: Queen buried alongside Prince Philip at private service in Windsor

King Charles and members of the royal family gathered to say their final farewells to the Queen at her private burial service.

The ceremony was held privately in the King George VI Memorial Chapel of St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

The burial saw the Queen reunited with Prince Philip as she was interred alongside “her strength and stay” in the chapel.The official website of the royal family said a private burial took place this evening, conducted by the Dean of Windsor.

"The Queen was buried together with the Duke of Edinburgh, at The King George VI Memorial Chapel," the statement said.

The coffin was seen by the public for the last time after the committal service at St George’s Chapel earlier on Monday when it was lowered into the vault.Crowds lined the Long Walk to watch the procession as Her Majesty arrived at Windsor Castle ahead of the service. Her Majesty’s coffin was brought by state hearse to Windsor after a state funeral at Westminster Abbey as millions in London, the UK and around the world say a final farewell to the late monarch.

A single toll from Big Ben signalled the start of the service at the abbey, where kings and queens have been crowned since 1066, and where the new monarch was sitting surrounded by the royal family he now leads.

The Archbishop of Canterbury hailed the Queen’s “abundant life and loving service" as he delivered the sermon, adding: “She was joyful, present to so many, touching a multitude of lives.”

Her coffin was later carried in a procession from the abbey past Buckingham Palace to Hyde Park Corner, from where the late monarch made her final journey to Windsor Castle.

World leaders including US President Joe Biden and France’s Emmanuel Macron and a host of other leaders are among 2,000 people gathered for the sombre and historic service. Members of European royal families and key figures from public life are among the congregation.

Huge crowds flocked to London, Windsor and royal sites throughout the UK on the national bank holiday, with the service set to draw millions of TV viewers across the globe.

The Queen’s lying-in-state ended at 6.30am with mourners who queued for hours to view the late monarch’s coffin paying their final respects.

That’s all from us

22:26 , Daniel Keane

Thank you for following our live coverage of the Queen’s funeral today.

Watch: Royal expert says Princess of Wales ‘will provide immense support to her husband’ Prince William

21:27 , Daniel Keane

Queen officially buried with Duke of Edinburgh

21:01 , Daniel Keane

The official website of the royal family said a private burial took place in The King George VI Memorial Chapel this evening, conducted by the Dean of Windsor.

"The Queen was buried together with the Duke of Edinburgh, at The King George VI Memorial Chapel," the statement said.

Pictured: Piper plays at committal service

20:42 , Daniel Keane

 (via REUTERS)

King Charles and family saying private last farewells to Queen

19:58 , Daniel Keane

The King and members of the royal family are understood be to now be saying their final farewells to the Queen, with her private burial service.

The service was due to have started in the King George VI Memorial Chapel of St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.It was to commence at 7.30pm and is being held away from the cameras and the public.

The burial will see the Queen reunited with her beloved Duke of Edinburgh as she is interred alongside Philip in the chapel.When the duke died 17 months ago, his coffin was placed in the Royal Vault of St George’s - ready to be moved to the memorial chapel when the Queen died.

The chapel, which was built as an annexe behind the North Quire Aisle of St George’s in 1969, houses the remains of the Queen’s father George VI, her mother the Queen Mother and sister Princess Margaret.

The Queen’s coffin will be interred with the Grenadier Guards’ Queen’s Company Camp Colour - a smaller version of the Royal Standard of the Regiment - which the King placed on her coffin at the end of the committal service.

Small crowd forms outside Windsor Castle

19:35 , Daniel Keane

A small crowd has formed outside Windsor Castle's Henry VIII Gate ahead of the private burial of the Queen attended by her family.

The town has largely emptied since the end of the procession down Long Walk, leaving a sleepy, solemn atmosphere.

Dozens of people are still taking photos by the castle as the sunset lights up the walls and glowing clouds beyond.

Some are trying to get a glimpse through the gates into the castle courtyard beyond while others are on the street having a drink.

Huge queues at Waterloo for trains to Reading due to major Paddington disruption

19:04 , Daniel Keane

Huge queues were seen at Waterloo station on Monday evening for services to Reading following severe disruption at Paddington during the Queen’s funeral.

Mourners returning home from central London faced travel chaos after services in and out of Paddington were suspended from 6.30am.

Hundreds of thousands of people travelled to the capital to pay their respects to Britain’s longest-serving monarch at a state funeral on Monday morning. Many affected passengers planned to be in London for the start of the day’s events but were delayed for several hours, with some forced to watch proceedings on their phones.

Footage posted to Twitter by the BBC’s Tom Edwards showed a long queue stretching through Waterloo station just after 5pm.

A spokesperson for South Western Railway tweeted: “A queuing system is in place at London Waterloo for all services to Reading, as we accommodate extra demand from the GWR network.

“Trains are very busy, so please allow extra time for your journey.

“Tickets will be valid on later services.”

Pictured: Charles places Queen’s Company Camp Colour of the Grenadier Guards on coffin

18:50 , Daniel Keane


Mourner recalls how she ‘broke down in tears'

18:36 , Daniel Keane

Sandy Mar, 54, recalled how she broke down in tears as she watched the Queen's hearse drive through the gates of Windsor Castle.

Ms Mar, who is from Myanmar but has lived in England for the past 20 years, travelled from Oxford to Windsor on Sunday and camped overnight so she could witness the late monarch make her final journey down the Long Walk and through the gates.

Speaking to the PA news agency, she said: "When she passed away, I was very emotional. I felt like I lost my grandmother, because she's a very kind and selfless lady. She went all around the world and she would make everyone smile with her kindness."

Pictured: Emotional Duchess of Sussex during the procession

18:16 , Daniel Keane


Watching Queen’s final journey ‘a surreal experience’, says mourner

17:59 , Daniel Keane

Sebastian Stanwell-Wise, 16, who camped overnight by Windsor Castle, said it was a "surreal experience" to watch the Queen make her final journey.

He arrived at the Windsor area with his mother at 11am on Sunday and camped overnight through the cold and rain to secure a spot near the gates of Windsor Castle.

Mr Stanwell-Wise, from Leicestershire, said that the experience was "amazing" and "really surreal".

He added: "Words can't describe how it was. It was an experience we'll never see again and quite fortunately we were in one of the best positions possible, so, yeah, it was brilliant."

He explained he had been in the Scouts through his entire life and is now a member of the RAF Cadets.

Watch: Emotion and majesty at Queen Elizabeth II's funeral

17:43 , Daniel Keane

80,000 gathered in Hyde Park

17:31 , Daniel Keane

Our political reporter Rachael Burford has the latest crowd numbers for the Queen’s funeral.

- 75,000 gathered in the ceremonial viewing areas

- 60,000 gathered on South Carriage Drive

- 80,000 gathered in Hyde Park

These figures do not include the wider footprint or the route out of London towards Windsor.

NHS chief says it was ‘huge privilege’ to represent health service at funeral

17:24 , Daniel Keane

NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has said it was a “huge privilege” to represent the NHS at the Queen’s funeral service.

She said: “Her Majesty the Queen gave steadfast support to the NHS throughout her reign and in return she had the admiration and respect of staff right across the health service for her leadership, wisdom and devotion to duty.

“Receiving the George Cross from Her Majesty earlier this year was the proudest moment in the NHS’s long history.

“So it was a huge privilege to represent the NHS at a ceremony which so movingly reflected the enormous sense of loss, but also gratitude for a life well lived, which is felt not just across the health service but our whole country.”

Royals leave chapel gradually

17:16 , Daniel Keane

Members of the Royal Family gradually left St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle following the committal service for the Queen.

The Prince and Princess of Wales left the chapel by car with their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex departed separately shortly after.

King Charles driven from St George’s Chapel following service

17:08 , Daniel Keane

King Charles was driven from St George's Chapel, accompanied by the Queen consort, following the conclusion of the committal service.

They were followed in stages by other members of the royal family, who also paused for conversation with the dean and archbishop, before being driven to join Charles and Camilla inside the castle.

Pictured: Senior royals in attendance at committal service

17:02 , Daniel Keane


Service ends with piper’s ‘Salute to Royal Fendersmith'

16:57 , Daniel Keane

The service ended with the Sovereign Piper playing the lament A Salute to the Royal Fendersmith from the doorway between the chapel and the dean's cloister, with the music gradually fading away as he walked towards the deanery.

Archbishop of Canterbury gives blessing

16:54 , Daniel Keane

The Archbishop of Canterbury gives a blessing at the committal service.

“Go forth into the world in peace, be of good courage, hold fast that which is good,” he says.

“Render to no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted. Support the weak. Help the afflicted, honour all people.”

It is followed by a rendition of the national anthem.

Imperial State Crown removed from coffin and placed onto altar

16:47 , Daniel Keane

The Imperial State Crown, Orb and Sceptre, have been removed from the Queen's coffin and placed onto the altar of St George's Chapel by the Dean of Windsor.

The final hymn was sung as the King prepared to drape the Queen's Company Camp Colour of the Grenadier Guards on the coffin.

Once in place, the colour was then accompanied by the Lord Chamberlain's Wand of Office, which he symbolically broke.

Pictured: King Charles watches on during committal service

16:41 , Daniel Keane

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(Sky News)

Dean of Windsor gives reading from Book of Revelation

16:40 , Daniel Keane

The Dean of Windsor, the Rev David Conner, gave a reading from Revelation 21.1-7 during the service.

The same passage was read at the funerals of the Queen's father King George VI in 1952 and her grandparents, King George V in 1936, and Queen Mary in 1953.

The reading ends with: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

Mourners pay tribute to ‘nation’s grandma’

16:38 , Daniel Keane

Amongst the large crowds gathered around the big screens to watch Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral is James Shelley, 17, a student from Egham, writes Jonathan Kanengoni.

Asked what had brought him out, he said: “I’m just here to pay my respects to the Queen, see what’s happening, enjoy the environment.”

Attending with two friends, he said it was a “very sad day for the nation”.

Describing what Her Majesty The Queen meant to him, he said: “I heard a quote the other day that said ‘the nation’s grandma’ and I think that’s what she is to all of us.”

Asked about the atmosphere in Windsor, he said: “Everyone seems very respectful, and it’s a very good vibe around here.”

James and his friends left their homes at 10AM to pay their respects, attempting to reach The Long Walk, which was cordoned off.

They will be watching the rest of the proceedings through a big screen in Home Park on The Royal Estate, Windsor.

Dean of Windsor praises Queen’s ‘calm and dignified presence'

16:30 , Daniel Keane

The Dean of Windsor, the Rev David Conner, praised the late Queen's "calm and dignified presence" as he gave the bidding.

"Here, in St George's Chapel, where she so often worshipped, we are bound to call to mind someone whose uncomplicated yet profound Christian Faith bore so much fruit. Fruit, in a life of unstinting service to the Nation, the Commonwealth and the wider world, but also (and especially to be remembered in this place) in kindness, concern and reassuring care for her family and friends and neighbours."

He said the monarch's disposition "has given us confidence to face the future, as she did, with courage and with hope".

Concluding the Bidding, he said: "As, with grateful hearts, we reflect on these and all the many other ways in which her long life has been a blessing to us, we pray that God will give us grace to honour her memory by following her example, and that, with our sister Elizabeth, at the last, we shall know the joys of life eternal."

Pictured: Pall bearers carry the Queen’s coffin into St George’s Chapel

16:23 , Daniel Keane

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Service begins with rendition of Psalm 121

16:18 , Daniel Keane

The service has begun with the choir singing Psalm 121, set to music by Sir Henry Walford Davies, who previously served as an organist of the chapel.

Over a number of years, the Queen was involved in discussions about the order of service for her funeral, to approve the choice of prayers, hymns and other accompanying music.

Following the psalm, which includes the line "the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil", the choristers move on to sing 'The Russian Contakion of the Departed', which was also performed at the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral in April last year.

Queen’s coffin carried into chapel

16:16 , Daniel Keane

The Queen’s coffin is now being carried into St George’s chapel by members of the bearer party.

It will be taken up through the west steps of the chapel, where the Queen’s mother, father and sister are also buried.

Around 800 people, including members of the Queen’s household, will attend the committal service conducted by the dean of Windsor.

Crowds break into applause as procession passes by

16:09 , Daniel Keane

The crowds who fell silent as the state hearse carrying the Queen's coffin entered the Long Walk in Windsor then broke out into applause as the end of the funeral procession passed by.

Retired teacher Susan Luppetti, 72, who came from her home in Somerset for the funeral, said: "I did not expect it to be so emotional when it went past. It is the ending an era.

"What surprised me is how everyone went silent. It felt very personal and it did not feel like a state funeral at all.

"The silence was wonderful and to see that level of respect was quite amazing."

Pictured: The Queen’s hearse arrives at Windsor Castle

16:00 , Daniel Keane

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(Sky News)

State Hearse arrives at Windsor castle

15:57 , Daniel Keane

The State Hearse has arrived at Windsor Castle as the procession of the Queen's coffin down the Long Walk was led by the Dismounted Detachment of the Household Cavalry Regiment, the 1st Division of the Sovereign's Escort and massed pipes and drums.

The procession approached the castle to the applause of members of the public lining the route.

Some of the Queen's great-grandchildren have arrived at St George's Chapel for the committal service, including Peter Phillips's daughters Savannah and Isla, and Zara and Mike Tindall's daughter Lena.

Pictured: Hearse carrying coffin is escorted along the Long Walk

15:46 , Daniel Keane


Guests begin to arrive at committal service at St George’s Chapel

15:30 , Josh Salisbury

Guests have begun to arrive for the committal service at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Among them were former prime minister Tony Blair and wife Cherie.

The congregation in St George’s Chapel stood as His Majesty’s Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms and The King’s Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard took up their positions in the nave.

Before that, mourners stood as the Canons of Windsor, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York made their way out to the West Steps.

Crowds gather around screens at Windsor after Long Walk reaches capacity

15:28 , Josh Salisbury

Large crowds have gathered round big screens in Windsor to watch the funeral procession, reports the Standard’s Jonathan Kanengoni.

It comes as Windsor High Street closes to public after reaching capacity, with the council also urging mourners that capacity has been reached on Windsor’s Long Walk.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

Khan: My ‘sincerest thanks’ to those who came to London to pay respects to Queen

15:24 , Josh Salisbury

The Mayor of London has thanked those who came to London today for the Queen’s funeral and those involved in the organisation of it.

Sadiq Khan said: “I want to thank the hundreds of thousands who came to London today and in the past week to pay their respects to Her Majesty The Queen.

“Countless police officers, emergency service staff, transport workers, volunteers, stewards, military, civil servants, local government, businesses, charities and other agencies have worked tirelessly to make this possible in our city.

“My sincerest thanks to everyone involved."

Queen’s coffin arrives at Windsor

15:12 , Josh Salisbury

The State Hearse carrying the Queen's coffin has arrived in Windsor in preparation for the procession towards Windsor Castle.

Many flowers, thrown by well-wishers along the route, remained on its bonnet and roof.

After accompanying the hearse on the road journey of around 90 minutes, Anne, the Princess Royal and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence headed for the castle's Home Park to proceed to the Quadrangle.

 (Sky News)
(Sky News)

Royal Standard raised at Windsor as Long Walk closed to additional mourners

14:59 , Josh Salisbury

The Royal Standard has been raised above Windsor Castle - a sign that King Charles has arrived at the royal residence ahead of the committal service for the Queen.

Thousands of mourners have attempted to line the famous Long Walk leading up the castle.

But the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead said: "Windsor is very busy and The Long Walk is now closed as it would not be safe to allow access to any more visitors.

“If you are just arriving now, you will be redirected to Home Park Public viewing screen."

Guards walk at Windsor Castle earlier Monday (REUTERS)
Guards walk at Windsor Castle earlier Monday (REUTERS)

Queen’s coffin leaves London for last time

14:53 , Josh Salisbury

The convoy with the hearse carrying the Queen's coffin has left greater London on its way to Windsor.

Throughout its journey to the edge of the capital, many of the onlookers lining the roads threw flowers.

Members of the armed services joined police in standing guard along the route.

At Windsor, thousands have gathered to await the Queen’s arrival, where some have been singing the national anthem.

First lady of Ukraine says it was a “great honour” to attend funeral

14:48 , Sami Quadri

Pictured: Crowds gather in Windsor as they await the arrival of the Queen’s coffin

14:42 , Sami Quadri

 (BBC News)
(BBC News)

Central London stations closed to prevent overcrowding

14:39 , Sami Quadri

Several central London tube stations have been closed to prevent thousands of people flocking to them this morning.

Marble Arch near Hyde Park was shut following the funeral forcing crowds to walk down Oxford Street to Bond Street.

The majority of the shops in the world famous shopping district closed today to allow staff to watch the funeral.

Green Park station will remain exit only between 10am to 8pm, while many bus routes into central London have been diverted because of the major road closures needed for the funeral procession.

Kate pays tribute to Queen through jewellery choice

14:35 , Sami Quadri

The Princess of Wales paid tribute to the Queen by wearing some of the late monarch’s jewellery to her funeral.

Kate opted for the same necklace and earring combination that she wore just over a year ago for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.

The pieces of jewellery were also previously worn by her husband’s late mother, Diana, and are thought to have been loaned to Kate for the first time by the late monarch in 2017.

Described as a Japanese choker with four rows of pearls and a curved central diamond clasp, this was accompanied with a pair of Bahrain drop pearl earrings.

Pearls are often referred to as mourning jewellery, a tradition said to date back to Queen Victoria’s era.

People queue for hours on South Carriage Drive to see coffin

14:33 , Sami Quadri

People queued for hours on South Carriage Drive in a bid to see the Queen’s coffin. Many had tried to line the funeral procession route but were unable to gain access.

Jonathan and Heidi Johnson, both 73, from Worthing, stood for four hours to catch a glimpse of the coffin.

Mrs Johnson said: “I felt it was our duty to come. We have had another monarch but she has been our Queen since we were three.

“I have plates with her picture on and have followed her. I thought she was wonderful.”

Mr Johnson added: “She did us proud.”

Colette O’Hart, originally from County Sligo in Ireland, who lives in Pimlico, south London, stood for three hours to try to see the coffin.

The 86-year-old said: “Everyone was very respectful. I wanted to come because she was such a very good woman – always cheerful and a hard worker, even at the very end.”

Obama pays tribute to the Queen’s “kindness and consideration”

14:26 , Sami Quadri

Former US president Barack Obama has paid tribute to the Queen’s “kindness and consideration” as he recalled his meetings with the monarch.

In a video posted on Twitter, Mr Obama said she reminded him of his own grandmother.

He described her as being “very gracious but also no nonsense, (with a) wry sense of humour”.

Mr Obama also recalled an occasion when his wife and two daughters were invited to tea at Buckingham Palace and later driven in the Queen’s golden carriage around the grounds – a moment that he said “left a mark in my daughters’ lives that’s still there”.

Pictured: Huge crowds leaving Hyde Park

14:21 , Sami Quadri

People leaving the park, where the funeral was shown on big screens (ES)
People leaving the park, where the funeral was shown on big screens (ES)

Mourners praise ‘incredible atmosphere’ inside Westminster Abbey

14:18 , Sami Quadri

Dr Caroline Harper, chief executive of the charity Sightsavers, of which the Queen was patron, was inside Westminster Abbey for the funeral.

She told the PA news agency that the atmosphere inside had been sombre “but also one of community”.

She added: “One of the most special moments was when the Queen arrived accompanied by pipers.

“You could just hear the pipers getting closer and closer. It was an incredible atmosphere, with people bowing their heads. It was very moving.”

Pictured: State Gun Carriage carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Wellington Arch

14:16 , Sami Quadri


At least three military personnel collapse by Wellington Arch

14:08 , Sami Quadri

Three military personnel had to be assisted by colleagues after appearing to get into difficulty by Wellington Arch.

One appeared to collapse to the ground after the Royal Family had left, while two others were also seen being helped away before and after the transfer of the Queen’s coffin to the state hearse by the monument.

Pictured: King Charles III wipes eye during funeral

14:03 , Sami Quadri


Pictured: Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales and the Queen Consort leaving funeral

14:00 , Sami Quadri


Military personnel reveal pride over taking part in Queen’s funeral

13:57 , Sami Quadri

A Royal Navy chef held back tears as he spoke of his pride at taking part in the Queen’s state funeral.

Leading Steward Andrew Lyons, 52, who has been with the service for more than 26 years, is among those who are lining the route near Windsor Castle, Berkshire, before the Queen is laid to rest.

He said it has been an “emotional” day but him and his colleagues are doing their best “for our boss”.

Mr Lyons said he has already shed “one or two tears” and “raised a glass or two as we do” for the Queen who has been a “blinding and absolutely brilliant” commander-in-chief.

Mr Lyons said: “We are ready. It is going to be emotional. Tonight we will remember her when we get back. It is going to be a big thing.”

He added: “She is a team member. It is family and my generation will understand this. The youngsters will come to terms with it.

“Hopefully they will feel the same when King Charles takes over. I hope they do because he is just as good. ”

Large crowd remains in Whitehall amid frustration over exits

13:48 , Josh Salisbury

A significant crowd remains in Whitehall, with police officers on the scene trying to manage the situation as bottlenecks build up in several areas.

Many in the crowd have complained about a lack of information regarding exits, with some growing frustrated at still being effectively kept at the scene long after the procession has ended.

There were shouts of "open the road", as police faced questions from spectators about the exit system from Whitehall.

Frustrations have grown in the last view minutes, amid conflicting reports of exit routes and when the roads in the vicinity are re-opening.

National anthem sung as Queen makes final journey to Windsor

13:45 , Josh Salisbury

As the hearse left Wellington Arch, the national anthem was sung while the vehicle was given the royal salute by members of the military parade.

The King, the Queen Consort and members of the royal family are following the hearse to Windsor by car, ahead of the procession to St George’s Chapel where a committal ceremony will take place from 4pm.

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(Sky News)
 (Sky News)
(Sky News)

Queen’s coffin arrives at Wellington Arch and lifted onto state hearse

13:36 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen’s funeral procession has now arrived at Wellington Arch.

The bearer party have lifted the Queen’s coffin from the state gun carriage and placed it onto the state hearse, before the car leaves for Windsor.

Members of the royal family walked out to be alongside the Queen’s coffin.

The Queen’s children, the King, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex went first.

They were then followed by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex.

Mourners wave red and white roses as Queen’s coffin passes

13:27 , Josh Salisbury

Mourners lining the barriers on Constitution Hill waved red and white roses as the Queen's coffin passed them.

The King, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex appeared solemn as they walked behind.

Princess Charlotte looked out at the crowds of people lining the street as she rode past in a car with the Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales and her brother Prince George.

The Duchess of Sussex and the Countess of Wessex both appeared sombre in a vehicle directly behind.

Following them, Princess Eugenie and and Princess Beatrice waved and smiled at mourners from a third car.

Britain's William, Prince of Wales and Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, stand as the funeral procession passes Buckingham Palace (REUTERS)
Britain's William, Prince of Wales and Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, stand as the funeral procession passes Buckingham Palace (REUTERS)

Pictured: Queen’s coffin passes Buckingham Palace for final time

13:21 , Josh Salisbury

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(Getty Images)
 (Sky News)
(Sky News)

Joe Biden leaves Westminster Abbey for airport

13:17 , Josh Salisbury

US President Joe Biden has left Westminster Abbey for the airport, reports Reuters’ White House correspondent, Jeff Mason.

Queen’s coffin procession reaches Buckingham Palace

13:15 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen's coffin procession has reached Buckingham Palace, with members of the public lining The Mall breaking out into a round of applause as the State Gun Carriage moved past.

The King's Guard turned out in the forecourt of the Palace to give a salute to the coffin at the Queen Victoria Monument.

Buckingham Palace household staff line up to pay their respects (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Buckingham Palace household staff line up to pay their respects (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Queen’s funeral largest policing operation in Met history

13:08 , Josh Salisbury

The police operation for the Queen’s funeral is the largest in the Met’s history with more than 10,000 officers on duty, writes the Standard’s Rachael Burford.

Also on duty in central London this afternoon are around 50 of the force’s 80 police horses, including Zac and Snaffles in Hyde Park.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

Pictured: Prince George appears to wipe eye during funeral service

13:06 , Josh Salisbury


Queen’s funeral procession reaches Wellington Arch

13:00 , Josh Salisbury

The head of the procession leading the Queen's coffin through London has reached the Wellington Arch monument at Hyde Park Corner where the coffin will be transferred on to the state hearse.

The mass of military bands and personnel slowly marched into the green space around the imposing monument.

According to English Heritage, the arch was an original entrance to Buckingham Palace, later becoming a victory arch commemorating the Duke of Wellington's defeat of Napoleon.

Queen’s coffin continues to Buckingham Palace where staff line outside to pay respect

12:54 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen's coffin has been borne through Horse Guards Parade, where her majesty presided over scores of Trooping the Colour ceremonies during her reign.

It has now has entered The Mall, as the funeral procession continues towards Buckingham Palace.

Members of staff at Buckingham Palace have lined up in front of the building to pay their respects to the Queen.

The procession is expect to pass by the palace shortly before 1pm on its journey to Windsor.

Royals salute Cenotaph as funeral procession moves past

12:49 , Josh Salisbury

As the Queen's funeral procession moved past the Cenotaph in London, the King, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal and the Earl of Wessex saluted the memorial to Britain and the Commonwealth soldiers killed in the First and Second World Wars.

Pictured: Funeral procession heads down The Mall

12:46 , Josh Salisbury

The funeral procession marches down The Mall following the service at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)
The funeral procession marches down The Mall following the service at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)

Crowds in Hyde Park stand as funeral procession passes

12:41 , Josh Salisbury

Crowds stood on their feet to watch the Queen’s coffin procession as the sound of cannon fire thunders out over Hyde Park.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

‘It’s very quiet, very sombre’, say mourners at Hyde Park

12:39 , Josh Salisbury

Throughout the funeral the crowds in Hyde Park have been respectful and quiet, and as the great guns fire in the park - so loud you can feel them in your gut- they begin to clear, reports the Standard’s Vicky Jessop.

As they do, I speak to Londoners Milly, 66, and Ruth, 43.

"It's very quiet, very sombre," Milly says. For the occasion, she has dressed head to toe in Union Flags: earrings, dress and nail polish.

“I'm a royalist and anything to do with the Royal family is an occasion to be together, and the atmosphere here is really good.”

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

Crowds fall silent as funeral procession passes

12:36 , Josh Salisbury

There was a hush from the crowd in Whitehall, as the funeral procession moved past the Cabinet War Rooms, the Cenotaph and Downing Street.

Some emerged from balconies and windows, clad in black, while those on the street craned their necks and clutched cameras as they awaited the chance to say goodbye to the monarch.

The procession is made of several groups, with each accompanied by a service band. Members of the royal family, including the King, are marching solemnly behind the coffin.

Guns are being fired in Hyde Park by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery every minute during the procession, while Big Ben tolls every minute.

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(Getty Images)

Solemn procession begins from Abbey towards Wellington Arch

12:31 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen's coffin, followed by the King, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, Duke of York and the Princess Royal, has begun its procession towards Wellington Arch after it was placed back onto the State Gun Carriage.

The route is being lined by the armed forces from Westminster Abbey to the top of Constitution Hill at the Commonwealth Memorial Gates.

Mounties of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lead the procession followed immediately by representatives of the George Cross foundations from Malta, the former Royal Ulster Constabulary, and four representatives from the NHS.

Pictured: King Charles looks on emotionally as Queen Elizabeth’s coffin carried out of Abbey

12:20 , Josh Salisbury

King Charles could be seen looking emotionally on as his mother’s coffin was carried outside Westminster Abbey.

A card in the flowers on top of the coffin read simply: "In loving and devoted memory. Charles R."

 (Sky News)
(Sky News)

Queen’s funeral draws to close

12:18 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen’s funeral has drawn to a close with a lament played by The Sovereign’s piper and her coffin has been carried from Westminster Abbey to be placed on the State Gun Carriage.

Her coffin will now begin its journey to St George’s Chapel, in Windsor.

Following her coffin are the King and the Queen Consort, then the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are following with their children, George and Charlotte, the the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

King looks emotionally on as anthem sung

12:11 , Josh Salisbury

The King looked very emotional during the singing of the national anthem at Westminster Abbey.

Charles remained silent during the song, while his siblings and members of the royal family sang along.

Gripping his ceremonial sword, Charles looked downcast as he started straight ahead while a piper played Sleep, Dearie, Sleep.

Mourners sing God Save the King

12:04 , Josh Salisbury

Mourners have sung the national anthem, God Save the King, after the Reveille was played, which ended the national two-minute silence.

Those in the congregation sang both the first and second verses of the anthem.

Trumpeters sound out the Reveille

12:02 , Josh Salisbury

Trumpeters are now sounding the Reveille after a solemn two-minutes silence that was observed in Westminster Abbey and across the country.

Pictured: The view inside Westminster Abbey

11:57 , Josh Salisbury

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Archbishop of Canterbury reads commendation for late Queen

11:54 , Josh Salisbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has read the commendation for the late Queen Elizabeth.

He told mourners: “Let us commend to the mercy of God, our maker and redeemer, the soul of Elizabeth, our late Queen.”

He added: “Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord and giver of life, who of thy grace in creation didst form mankind in thine own image, and in thy great love offerest us life eternal in Christ Jesus.

“Claiming the promises of thy most blessed Son, we entrust the soul of Elizabeth, our sister here departed, to thy merciful keeping, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, when Christ shall be all in all; who died and rose again to save us, and now liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, in glory for ever.”

Congregation stands to sing hymn Love Divine

11:51 , Josh Salisbury

The congregation inside Westminster Abbey is now standing as they sing the hymn, Love Divine, by Charles Wesley.

The hymn ends: “Finish then thy new creation, pure and spotless let us be.

“Let us see thy great salvation, perfectly restored in thee, hanged from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise!”

Solemn mood in Hyde Park as funeral underway

11:45 , Josh Salisbury

The mood in Hyde Park is solemn despite the huge crowds, reports the Standard’s Vicky Jessop.

You could hear a pin drop; people have brought picnics for lunch and toys for their children to play with.

Like those in the Mall, the crowd is also standing and sitting down in tandem with those in Westminster Abbey - there's a real sense of respect in the air.

King seen reading solemnly as prayers given

11:43 , Josh Salisbury

The King was seen reading silently from the Order of Service during the prayers while the Queen Consort, seated to his left, listened intently.

Among the prayers was one asking for God to comfort the royal family in their time of loss.

The prayer by the Bishop of London, Dame Sarah Mullally, asked the congregation to pray: “Let us pray for His Majesty The King and all the Royal Family; that they may know the sustaining power of God's love and the prayerful fellowship of God's people.

“Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless our most gracious Sovereign Lord King Charles, Camilla The Queen Consort, William Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family.

“Endue them with thy Holy Spirit, enrich them with thy heavenly grace; prosper them with all happiness; and bring them to thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord”.

Choir sings from Songs of Farewell

11:38 , Josh Salisbury

The choir has sung the athem, from Songs of Farewell by British composer Hubert Parry, as the congregation remains seated.

It ends: “Leave then thy foolish ranges,

“For none can thee secure,

“But One who never changes,

“Thy God, thy Life, thy Cure”.

Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘We will meet again’

11:34 , Josh Salisbury

Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is delivering the sermon.

He has hailed the Queen's "abundant life and loving service" as he delivered the sermon at her state funeral, adding: "She was joyful, present to so many, touching a multitude of lives."

He said: “People of loving service are rare in any walk of life. Leaders of loving service are still rarer. But in all cases those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power and privileges are forgotten.

“The grief of this day - felt not only by the late Queen's family but all round the nation, Commonwealth and world - arises from her abundant life and loving service, now gone from us."

He added: "We will all face the merciful judgement of God: we can all share the Queen's hope which in life and death inspired her servant leadership.

“Service in life, hope in death. All who follow the Queen's example, and inspiration of trust and faith in God, can with her say: 'We will meet again."'

Mourners sing hymn The Lord Is My Shepherd

11:29 , Josh Salisbury

The congregation of mourners are now singing the hymn, The Lord is My Shepherd. The hymn was sung at the wedding of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh.

The words to the hymn read: “The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want; he makes me down to lie, in pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by.”


Prime Minister Liz Truss reads second lesson for mourners

11:24 , Josh Salisbury

The Prime Minister, Liz Truss, has read the second lesson for mourners gathered in Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral.

Taken from John 14, the lesson is one of comfort, evoking the promise of eternal life in Heaven.

It reads: “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”.

Prince George seen singing hymn with parents, Prince William and Kate

11:22 , Josh Salisbury

Prince George was seen singing The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended as he stood between his parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The hymn preceded the first lesson given in tribute to the Queen’s life, read by the Baroness Scotland of Asthal KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth.

First lesson given in tribute of Queen’s life

11:19 , Josh Salisbury

The Right Honourable the Baroness Scotland of Asthal KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, has read the first lesson, from 1 Corinthians 15.

It reads: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

“The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Pictured: Queen’s children at historic state funeral

11:15 , Josh Salisbury

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Service begins with bidding from Dean of Westminster

11:13 , Josh Salisbury

The service, which will be led by the dean of Westminster, Dr David Hoyle, has begun, with the sermon being delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

He told the congregation: “Here, where Queen Elizabeth was married and crowned, we gather from across the nation, from the Commonwealth, and from the nations of the world, to mourn our loss, to remember her long life of selfless service, and in sure confidence to commit her to the mercy of God our maker and redeemer.”

The Bidding will be followed by Baroness Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, delivering the First Lesson in tribute to The Queen's lifetime of dedication and service to the family of nations.

Wreath adorning Queen’s coffin includes flowers requested by King Charles

11:10 , Josh Salisbury

The short procession from Westminster Hall, to the sound of bagpipes and with Big Ben tolling, took around eight minutes.

As the coffin entered, the Choir of Westminster Abbey sang lines, known as The Sentences, from Revelation 14:13, set to music written by William Croft and used at every state funeral since the early 18th century.

The wreath which adorns the Queen's coffin includes flowers requested by King Charles, cut from the gardens of Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Highgrove House.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth is carried into Westminster Abbey (Getty Images)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth is carried into Westminster Abbey (Getty Images)

Pictures: Queen’s coffin enters Westminster Abbey as funeral begins

11:06 , Josh Salisbury

The Queen’s coffin has entered Westminster Abbey where the funeral has now begun.

Queen’s coffin enters the Abbey (Sky News)
Queen’s coffin enters the Abbey (Sky News)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives on a gun carriage at Westminster Abbey (AP)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives on a gun carriage at Westminster Abbey (AP)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is placed on a gun carriage (Getty Images)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is placed on a gun carriage (Getty Images)

Queen’s coffin arrives at Westminster Abbey

10:58 , Josh Salisbury

The procession carrying the Queen’s coffin has arrived at the West Gate of Westminster Abbey for the funeral.

Members of the Queen’s guard, who are bearing the coffin, will carry the coffin from the gun carriage and into the funeral service.

Royal family march behind Queen’s coffin in procession to Abbey

10:54 , Josh Salisbury

The King and other royals, including the Princess Royal, the Prince of Wales and the Earl of Wessex were all wearing military uniform for the procession of the Queen’s coffin to Westminster Abbey.

The Duke of York and the Duke of Sussex, who are no longer working royals, wore suits as they marched behind the carriage.

All looked sombre as they followed the carriage towards the Abbey for the Queen's state funeral.

Queen’s coffin begins procession to Westminster Abbey

10:50 , Josh Salisbury

The State Gun Carriage carrying the Queen’s coffin has begun its funeral procession from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey.

The coffin has been draped in the Royal Standard and carries the Imperial State Crown and a wreath of flowers containing plants from the gardens of Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Highgrove House.

Leading the procession are around 200 pipers and drummers of Scottish and Irish Regiments, the Brigade of Gurkhas and RAF.

Walking behind the carriage are the King and his siblings, followed by the Prince of Wales, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips.

The State Gun Carriage has also been previously used for the funerals of King Edward VII, King George V, King George VI, Winston Churchill, and Lord Mountbatten.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is placed on a gun carriage (AP)
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is placed on a gun carriage (AP)

King Charles arrives at Palace of Westminster ahead of Queen’s funeral at Abbey

10:40 , Josh Salisbury

The King and members of the royal family have arrived at the Palace of Westminster after driving the short distance from Buckingham Palace.

Charles waved at well-wishers from the back seat of his vehicle, which was one of four cars to arrive at Westminster Hall.

There were cheers from the crowds as the cars drove past, with the streets packed full of people trying to get a glimpse at the King.

The King arrived at the North Door of Westminster Hall at around 10.34am.

King Charles as the royal car drives down The Mall to the Palace of Westminster (Getty Images)
King Charles as the royal car drives down The Mall to the Palace of Westminster (Getty Images)

Prime Minister Liz Truss arrives at Westminster Abbey

10:38 , Josh Salisbury

Prime Minister Liz Truss and husband Hugh O’Leary have arrived at Westminster Abbey a few minutes after her predecessors.

Ms Truss, who will read the Second Lesson during the service, was greeted by members of the clergy and shook their hands in turn before taking her seat in the abbey.

Liz Truss and husband Hugh O’Leary arrive at the Abbey (Getty Images)
Liz Truss and husband Hugh O’Leary arrive at the Abbey (Getty Images)

Mourners bring corgi to Hyde Park to watch funeral

10:36 , Josh Salisbury

Jordan Gustafson and Ryan Cusworth brought their corgi Rupert down to Hyde Park to watch the funeral, writes political reporter, Rachael Burford.

Mr Cusworth said: “We are not huge royalists but we thought it was really important to come down and pay our respects to Queen and the length of time she served this country.”

Jordan Gustafson and Ryan Cusworth (Evening Standard)
Jordan Gustafson and Ryan Cusworth (Evening Standard)

Ex-service men travel from Birmingham to pay respects to Queen

10:34 , Josh Salisbury

Among those who are at Hyde Park to pay respects are Tony Case, 39, and friend Wayne Alport, 47, are ex-servicemen who travelled down from Birmingham at 5.30am to be here.

“We had (military) ID and we still couldn’t get through (to Westminster)… this is the first time due to work commitments and family commitments we’ve been able to get down,” Case, left, said.

Alport, who was in the Blues and Royals, was stationed near Buckingham palace for 12 years.

“I’ve done the trooping of the colour for the Queen, state opening of Parliament, things like that. It’s just nice to come and pay final respects really, she was both of our bosses as ex-serving soldiers.”

He adds that he was “was very lucky” to meet her during his time in service. “She was lovely. Absolutely lovely; a pleasure to have met.”

Tony Case, 39, and friend Wayne Alport, 47 (Evening Standard)
Tony Case, 39, and friend Wayne Alport, 47 (Evening Standard)

Team of BSL interpreters will interpret funeral at Hyde Park

10:31 , Josh Salisbury

A team of four sign language interpreters are translating the entire service for those watching in Hyde Park, reports Rachael Burford, political reporter.

Each working in 10 to 15 minute shifts from a recording tent on site.

A recording booth where team of BSL interpreters will interpret Queen funeral at Hyde Park (Rachael Burford)
A recording booth where team of BSL interpreters will interpret Queen funeral at Hyde Park (Rachael Burford)

Former prime ministers arrive at Westminster Abbey for funeral

10:27 , Josh Salisbury

Former prime ministers Boris Johnson, David Cameron and Theresa May arrived at Westminster Abbey at the same time on Monday morning.

Mr Johnson was accompanied by wife Carrie, while Mrs May was with husband Philip and Mr Cameron walked in with wife Samantha.

Moments later former Labour prime ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair walked into the church, alongside wives Sarah and Cherie respectively.

Boris Johnson arrives at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)
Boris Johnson arrives at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May arrives at Westminster Abbey (AFP via Getty Images)
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May arrives at Westminster Abbey (AFP via Getty Images)
David Cameron arrives at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)
David Cameron arrives at Westminster Abbey (REUTERS)

Prince Harry and Meghan travel down Mall for funeral

10:23 , Josh Salisbury

The Duke of Sussex has just travelled down The Mall with a police escort.

Harry was seen looking sombre as he was driven in a Range Rover from Wellington Arch, down Constitution Hill and on The Mall towards St James' Palace.

Four vehicles with flags were seen driving ahead of Harry's car.

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (REUTERS)
Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (REUTERS)

Woman camping out for Queen’s funeral celebrates birthday

10:20 , Josh Salisbury

A woman who has been camping on Horseguards Road for two days is celebrating her 59th birthday today.

Marion King, and her sister Carol Argent, both from Ashford in Kent, set up camp on Saturday night. Ms King said: “We've been here since Saturday evening at 9pm to find the spot and for the atmosphere.

“We've been doing this since the age of 10. I used to be a girl guide. We brought a gas stove, tea, coffee and three bottles of wine which have already run out.

“But there's a Tesco over the road so we'll go there soon!”

Crowds at Horseguards Parade (REUTERS)
Crowds at Horseguards Parade (REUTERS)

150,000 to watch funeral in Hyde Park

10:16 , Josh Salisbury

At least 150,000 people are expected to watch the funeral in Hyde Park today over eight large screens, writes political reporter, Rachael Burford.

City Hall expect it to be the largest public screening of the procession in the world.

Crowds gather to watch funeral in Hyde Park (Rachael Burford)
Crowds gather to watch funeral in Hyde Park (Rachael Burford)

Pictured: Biden and Macron among world leaders arriving at Abbey

10:12 , Josh Salisbury

World leaders have begun to file to the Abbey, including US President Joe Biden, alongside his wife, Jill Biden, and the French President, Emmanuel Macron.

Mr Macron moved slowly through the north lantern towards his seat in the south transept with his wife Brigitte.

He nodded and shared a few words with an usher as the line of dignitaries slowed to a stop as people were shown to their places.

U.S. President Joe Biden arrives at the funeral (REUTERS)
U.S. President Joe Biden arrives at the funeral (REUTERS)
 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

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