Racing Analyst Martin Brundle Adorably Atones For Misidentifying Paulo Banchero At Miami Grand Prix A Year Later

What a difference a year makes. At the 2022 Miami Grand Prix, ESPN racing commentator Martin Brundlewas mistaking 6-foot-10 NBA prospect Paolo Banchero for 6-foot-3 Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes. And he got zinged for it.

Fast-forward to Sunday’s 2023 Miami Grand Prix. Brundle, the British racing maven and ex-Formula 1 driver, and Banchero, the NBA No. 1 draft pick who became Rookie of the Year for the Orlando Magic, reunited before the start. (Watch the video below.)

This time, Brundle correctly identified Banchero, noted that he didn’t get the player’s name right last year and moved on with this gem of an interview starter: “What a year you’ve had since you made me infamous.”

“It’s been a helluva year and I’m honored that you know my name now, man,” a smiling Banchero said. “It’s been a helluva year and you’re great at what you do.”

So, now that Brundle has closed the circle on that moment, maybe he can get Brad Pitt for an interview at a Grand Prix race down the line. A previous effort didn’t work out so well.
