Randy Rainbow Embraces A Different 'MAGA' In Mock Campaign Video

Randy Rainbow, who got famous by mocking Donald Trump in musical video spoofs, is a MAGA guy after all. Just not Trump’s MAGA. (Watch the video below.)

“It’s time to Make America Gay Again,” the political parodist pledges, using the faux platform from his recent tour in a presidential campaign sendup he shared Tuesday.

Rainbow vows to roll up his sleeves and work “to build a stronger America,” and lets us know that “unity unites” in a tweak of election platitudes. He also throws in a diss of conservative “Saturday Night Live” alum Rob Schneider and a tongue twister about our Founding Fathers.

The Emmy- and Grammy-nominated comedian used the video to promise more videos, presumably of the Broadway-meets-D.C. variety that he has made to skewer Republicans over the last several years.

It appears Trump and President Joe Biden will battle to the finish in November, perhaps dooming Rainbow’s faux candidacy.

But at least he’s committed to his core issue: “me me me me me.”

Keep watching for a response by Trump ― or a reasonable facsimile:
