RCMP warn of suspicious man approaching women in Lower Sackville

Nova Scotia RCMP are warning the public about suspicious behaviour involving a man in the Lower Sackville area.

The first incident happened Wednesday. A woman told police she was waiting for a bus on Sackville Drive when a man drove up and asked her for directions. She said the man grabbed her arm but she was able to free herself.

RCMP said since that report, they have received complaints of three similar incidents.

In the second incident, police said a man tried to get the attention of a teenage girl near a transit terminal on Walker Avenue. That happened around 1 p.m. on Wednesday, shortly after the first incident.

Police said an hour later, a man pulled up to the same transit terminal and offered a woman there a drive into Halifax. She refused.

The final incident, police said, happened in the last few days and involved a man offering another teenage girl a drive.

RCMP said the man was described as having short dark hair and a dark complexion. He was driving a green or blue hatchback.