Regina's weather, traffic and gas prices for Sunday

Regina's weather, traffic and gas prices for Wednesday


- High of 0 C today. A few flurries ending this morning, according to Environment Canada.

- Watch out for high winds today of 60 kilometres per hour gusting to 80 km/h.

- Find the latest forecast here.


- A major construction project continues on Saskatchewan Drive, which will restrict traffic to the eastbound curb lane. SaskPower will be working on the street between Quebec Street and Winnipeg Street.

- Plan out your commute and check here for the latest road construction projects.


- Gas prices took another slight drop overnight. The city's average gas price is 70 cents per litre, according to

- Regina Messenger has the lowest price with a litre of regular going for 60.9 cents per litre. Regina Cabs and Costco are the next cheapest with a price of 62.9 cents.