Residents concerned by village speeding

There are concerns that lorry and tractor drivers have been responsible for anti-social driving in a Shropshire village.

A recent Edgmond Parish Council meeting said the drivers had been using the village as a short-cut.

It also said "irresponsible parking" was exacerbating the issue, causing visibility concerns and obstructions.

The parish council said a speed indicator device would be installed on the B5062, and that police would carry out surveys to identify problem areas.

The meeting's minutes said Marsh Road was a concern, as there were no footpaths.

"The speed travelled is quite frightening," it read.

"A meeting with Telford and Wrekin Council and PC Rod Lake will be requested to consider other measures that may slow down the traffic."

A traffic counter would also be requested for Newport Road, after residents expressed concern about the speed of traffic .

Meanwhile, a request for an enforceable 20mph zone around the village school would also be submitted.

This news was gathered by the Local Democracy Reporting Service which covers councils and other public service organisations.

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