RESULTS: Rep. Ilhan Omar narrowly won a tight primary race to retain the Democratic nomination for her Minnesota district

2022 Minnesota Primaries

Minnesota held primary elections on Tuesday. Polls closed at 8 p.m. local time and 9 p.m. ET.

Rep. Ilhan Omar narrowly won her bid for reelection in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District Democratic primary after besting challenger Don Samuels, who conceded on Tuesday night.



Half of the North Star State's eight-member House delegation ran unopposed in Tuesday's primaries, including Democratic Reps. Angie Craig and Dean Phillips (who was up by 20 points in the latest FiveThirtyEight polls), and Republican Reps. Tom Emmer and Michelle Fischbach.

The rub for two-term lawmaker Craig was that respected election handicapper the Cook Political Report had tagged the race as "Democratic Toss Up" in its competitive race tracker. Craig was involved in a rematch with her 2020 GOP challenger Tyler Kistner, whom she edged out by just 2 points the last time.

Three other incumbents still needed to clear primary hurdles.

Eleven-term Democratic Rep. Betty McCollum was challenged by first-time candidates Amane Badhasso and Fasil Moghul. McCollum got 61% of the vote in 2020.

Two-term Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar was challenged by former Minneapolis city councilman Don Samuels, as well as first-time candidates A.J. Kern, Albert Ross, and Nate Schluter. Omar got 65% of the vote in 2020.

Two-term Republican Rep. Pete Stauber was challenged by former Duluth school board member Harry Welty. Stauber got 57% of the vote in 2020.

There was also a special election to succeed two-term Republican Rep. Jim Hagedorn, who died on February 17, 2022, after battling kidney cancer.

The candidates vying to fill that open seat included former Minnesota state Republican Rep. Brad Finstad, Democrat Jeff Ettinger, Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis nominee Haroun McClellan, and Legal Marijuana Now nominee Richard Reisdorf. The latest FiveThirtyEight polls gave Finstad an eight-point lead over Ettinger, while the Cook Political Report rated the race as  "Likely Republican" in its competitive race tracker.


Governor and secretary of state

Minnesota's two Democratic senators, three-term lawmaker and 2020 presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar and two-term lawmaker Tina Smith, aren't up for reelection untill 2024 and 2026, respectively.

There was also races for the governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state in play.

Incumbent Democratic Gov. Tim Walz was challenged by failed 2018 gubernatorial hopeful Ole Savior. Walz, a former congressman, got 54% of the vote in 2018.

Incumbent Democratic Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan was challenged by first-time candidate Julia Parker. Flanagan got 54% of the vote in 2018.

Incumbent Democratic Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon was challenged by failed 2020 Senate hopeful Steve Carlson. Across the aisle, state GOP party officials endorsed Trumpy 2020 election denier Kim Crockett for the post.

State legislative primaries


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