Rip currents kill 8 people in 4 days in Florida

Rip currents kill 8 people in 4 days in Florida

Last week, eight people died over the course of four days along the Florida coastline from dangerous rip currents, several media outlets report.

Five of the victims — a 60-year-old Missouri woman, a trio from Alabama in their mid-twenties, and a teen from Oklahoma — encountered the currents at Panama City Beach.

According to Fox News, all of the Panama City accidents happened on days where single or double red flags had been raised, a signal used to indicate hazardous water conditions.

Officials do not recommend swimming if red flags are posted.

The water conditions were particularly dangerous due to a recent high tide cycle. Forecasters say the cycle is on its way out, leading to potentially safer water conditions in the days ahead.

Known for dangerous rip currents

In 2023, eight people died due to Panama City rip currents, more than anywhere else in the United States.

What is a rip current?

A [rip current]( is a channel of fast-moving water that flows from the shore to the open ocean. These currents can quickly pull swimmers out to sea, and they are often mistaken for undertows.

They are especially dangerous for inexperienced swimmers, who may not realize what is happening and could panic or exhaust themselves trying to swim back to shore.

They are responsible for about 100 deaths a year in the U.S.

Rip current safety

If caught in a rip current, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recommends:

  • Remaining calm to avoid exhaustion.

  • Floating or treading water to stay afloat. Don't fight the current.

  • Swimming parallel to the shore. Rip currents are usually narrow and flow perpendicular to land. Once out of the current, swim back to the beach at an angle away from the rip tide.

  • If you need assistance, wave your arms and yell to attract attention from lifeguards or other beachgoers.

  • Avoiding the water on days when dangerous conditions are posted.

Header image: File photo/Canva Pro.