Rocky Mountain House RCMP issue amber alert for 4-year-old girl

 (CBC - image credit)
(CBC - image credit)

Rocky Mountain House RCMP has issued an amber alert for a four-year-old girl who was abducted at 2:56 p.m., near the O'Chiese Market Place in west Central Alberta.

In the alert, police said the abducted child, Jaizlyn Strawberry, was wearing a purple coat and had a ponytail in her hair.

RCMP said she was taken by her father, Michael Mackinaw, 38, who is about five-foot-eight tall with a heavy build.

O'Chiese Market Place is located about 130 kilometres east of Red Deer.

He was wearing a grey Under Armour t-shirt and black Under Armour pants. Mackinaw was last seen driving a Gold 2007 Dodge Caravan, Alberta licence plate CKM 9888, travelling north on O'Chiese Road from the marketplace.

Police are warning the public to not approach the suspect. Please contact the Rocky Mountain House RCMP at 403-845-2881 or your local policy agency.