Royal news – live: Prince Harry says tabloid press was always ‘third party’ in his relationships, court hears

The Duke of Sussex has said he felt like the tabloid press was a “third party” in all of his relationships.

In court documents revealed at the High Court in London on Tuesday, Harry said he always tried to be “the best partner” he could be, but “every woman has her limit”.

He said that the tabloid press always became involved in his relationships, and tried to ruin them.

“Whenever I have been in a relationship, I have always tried to be the best partner that I possibly could, but every woman has her limit,” he said in a witness statement.

“Unfortunately, they are not just in a relationship with me but with the entire tabloid press as a third party.

“At no point did I have a girlfriend or a relationship with anyone without the tabloids getting involved and ultimately ruining it, or trying to ruin it, using whatever unlawful means at their disposal.”

Meanwhile, the court also heard that the Prince of Wales allegedly reached a settlement, that the late queen was aware of, with publisher News Group Newspapers over claims of hacking.

Royals news - latest updates

  • Prince Harry says tabloid press was always ‘third party’ in his relationships

  • Murdoch firm secretly paid Prince William phone-hacking settlement, court hears

  • Latest hearing in Prince Harry’s legal battle with UK press to begin today

  • Proclaimers song removed from King’s coronation playlist

  • Sarah Ferguson reveals why she was not invited to King’s coronation: ‘You’re either in or out’

Prince Harry says tabloid press was always ‘third party’ in his relationships

15:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Duke of Sussex has said he felt like the tabloid press was a “third party” in all of his relationships.

In court documents revealed on Tuesday, Harry said he always tried to be “the best partner” he could be, but “every woman has her limit”.

He said that the tabloid press always became involved in his relationships, and tried to ruin them.

“Whenever I have been in a relationship, I have always tried to be the best partner that I possibly could, but every woman has her limit,” he said in a witness statement.

“Unfortunately, they are not just in a relationship with me but with the entire tabloid press as a third party.

“At no point did I have a girlfriend or a relationship with anyone without the tabloids getting involved and ultimately ruining it, or trying to ruin it, using whatever unlawful means at their disposal.”

He claimed that the tabloid press felt like it “owned” him, despite him only being 5% funded by the taxpayer while he was a working royal.

“Despite the common misconception, I was no more than 5% funded by the taxpayer while I was a working royal in the UK, yet it felt as though the tabloid press thought that they owned me absolutely, and deserved to know everything there is to know about me, my life, my movements and the lives of those people who came into my orbit,” he said.

Harry claimed that the tabloid press cast him as a “thicko” and a “cheat”, and that he ended up “playing up” to the headlines they wrote about him.

“As a teenager and in my early twenties, I ended up feeling as though I was playing up to a lot of the headlines and stereotypes that they wanted to place upon me,” he said.

“It was a downward spiral, whereby the tabloids would constantly try and coax me, a ‘damaged’ young man, into doing something stupid that would make a good story and sell lots of newspapers. Looking back on it now, such behaviour on their part is utterly vile.”

He said that the tabloids hoped for him to undergo a “total and very public breakdown”.

“Despite them all knowing about what I was dealing with throughout the years, they kept on doubling down their efforts rather than letting up,” he said.

“That is grotesque and sadistic - and no doubt they were hoping for a total and very public breakdown.”

In court documents, Harry said he tried to be ‘the best partner’ he could be, but the tabloid press always became involved (PA Wire)
In court documents, Harry said he tried to be ‘the best partner’ he could be, but the tabloid press always became involved (PA Wire)

Royal family reached ‘secret agreement’ with publisher of The Sun- continued

15:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In his witness statement, the Duke of Sussex alleged that it was agreed royals would bring claims at the end of a series of cases about phone hacking and their cases would be resolved without trials.

Harry said: “My brother and I were also told by either the institution’s solicitor, or someone else from the institution, that there was no possibility of either of us bringing a claim against NGN for phone hacking at that time.

“The rationale behind this was that a secret agreement had been reached between the institution and senior executives at NGN whereby members of the royal family would bring phone hacking claims only at the conclusion of the mobile telephone voicemail interception litigation and at that stage the claims would be admitted or settled with an apology.”

Harry claimed the agreement was to avoid having a member of the royal family going into a witness box and describing the “private and highly sensitive voicemails” that had been intercepted.

He continued: “The institution was incredibly nervous about this and wanted to avoid at all costs the sort of reputational damage that it had suffered in 1993 when The Sun and another tabloid had unlawfully obtained and published details of an intimate telephone conversation that took place between my father and step-mother in 1989, while he was still married to my mother.”

Harry later said that the alleged agreement “including the promises from NGN for delayed resolution was, obviously, a major factor as to why no claim was brought by me at that time”.

The duke also said: “To say that I was frustrated and disappointed would be something of an understatement.


Royal family reached ‘secret agreement’ with publisher of The Sun

14:41 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A “secret agreement” was allegedly reached between the institution of the royal family and the publisher of The Sun to prevent William and Harry from bringing phone hacking claims, the High Court has been told.

The Duke of Sussex is suing News Group Newspapers (NGN), publisher of The Sun and the now-defunct News Of The World, over alleged unlawful information gathering at its titles.

On Tuesday, NGN made a bid for a judge to throw out the case, as well as a similar claim brought against the publisher by actor Hugh Grant.

Harry’s lawyers said the bid is an attempt to go behind a “secret agreement” between the royal family as an institution and NGN - or its parent companies News UK and News Corp - which the duke was informed of in 2012.

The High Court in London heard this alleged agreement prevented the duke and the Prince of Wales from bringing phone hacking claims against the publisher at the time.

However, NGN has denied Harry’s claim that there was a agreement.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Prince William lays first wreath during Anzac Day dawn service

14:20 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Prince of Wales commemorated Australia and New Zealand’s war dead in a dawn service marking Anzac Day on Tuesday 25 April.

Hundreds of Australians, New Zealanders, and military personnel watched as William laid a wreath of red poppies and white flowers at Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner, London.

The message on the wreath read: “In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”

He wore a red poppy during the service and bowed briefly to the wreath before standing in silent tribute for a few moments.

Prince William lays first wreath during Anzac Day dawn service

Watch: Harry and Meghan spotted laughing together at Lakers game night before High Court hearing

14:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were spotted enjoying themselves at a Lakers game ahead of the Duke of Sussex’s continued legal battle against the UK press.

While the hearing is taking place today at the High Court in London, Harry is watching the proceedings via videolink.

Background on phone-hacking scandal by Murdoch firm

13:40 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In 2012, Murdoch’s British newspaper group issued an unreserved apology for widespread hacking carried out by journalists at the News of the World which the media mogul had shut down amid a backlash.

But it has always rejected any unlawful activity at the Sun which was previously edited by Rebekah Brooks, now chief executive of his British arm, News UK. She has always denied knowledge of phone-hacking and was found not guilty in the 2014 trial of involvement.

Last week, Murdoch’s Fox Corp. settled a U.S. defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million, but reports suggest that figure is dwarfed by the British phone-hacking scandal.

In 2021, the media industry magazine, the Press Gazette, estimated that phone-hacking had cost NGN more than 1 billion pounds ($1.24 billion), and in its accounts last year the group stated that it might need to spend a further 100 million pounds.

The case is one of four Harry is pursuing against British newspapers.

Rupert Murdoch (Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Rupert Murdoch (Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Prince Harry takes on Murdoch's UK group over phone-hacking

13:13 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In a submission to the court, Harry’s legal team said the reason he had not brought action before was because a deal had been agreed between NGN and the “institution” - Buckingham Palace - to hold off any claims until the conclusion of other outstanding phone-hacking litigation.

“In responding to this bid by NGN to prevent his claims going to trial, the claimant has had to make public the details of this secret agreement, as well as the fact that his brother, His Royal Highness, Prince William, has recently settled his claim against NGN behind the scenes,” his lawyers said.

They added NGN had settled with William “for a very large sum of money in 2020”. William’s office said it could not comment on ongoing legal proceedings.

During a criminal trial brought against News of the World journalists and others in 2014, its former royal editor Clive Goodman said in the mid-2000s he had hacked the voicemails of Harry as well as those of William, and William’s wife Kate.

Her phone was hacked 155 times, William’ 35 and Harry’s nine times, Goodman said.

In his witness statement, quoted by his lawyers, the prince said the secret deal was struck to “avoid the situation where a member of the royal family would have to sit in the witness box and recount the specific details of the private and highly sensitive voicemails that had been intercepted”.

Harry said Buckingham Palace “wanted to avoid at all costs” the reputational damage caused by publication in the 1990s of details of an “intimate telephone conversation” between Charles and the now Queen Consort Camilla, when his father was still married to his mother Princess Diana.

The document also said Harry’s grandmother, the late Queen Elizabeth, had been involved in discussions and in 2017 had given her permission for him to pursue his case.

In his submission, NGN’s lawyer Anthony Hudson denied there was any “secret agreement” between the publisher and the royal family. He argued that, even if there was a deal, it did not affect their case that the lawsuit was brought too late.

Harry, who now lives in California, was not in court, but would be watching proceedings by videolink, his lawyer David Sherborne said.

Read Duke of Sussex’s witness statement in today’s hearing

12:34 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In part of a witness statement prepared for Tuesday’s hearing, the Duke of Sussex said: “My brother and I were also told by either the institution’s solicitor ... or someone else from the institution that there was no possibility of either of us bringing a claim against NGN for phone hacking at that time.

“The rationale behind this was that a secret agreement had been reached between the institution and senior executives at NGN whereby members of the royal family would bring phone hacking claims only at the conclusion of the Mobile Telephone Voicemail Interception Litigation and at that stage the claims would be admitted or settled with an apology.

“The reason for this was to avoid the situation where a member of the royal family would have to sit in the witness box and recount the specific details of the private and highly sensitive voicemails that had been intercepted by Clive Goodman.

“The institution was incredibly nervous about this and wanted to avoid at all costs the sort of reputational damage that it had suffered in 1993 when The Sun and another tabloid had unlawfully obtained and published details of an intimate telephone conversation that took place between my father and stepmother in 1989, while he was still married to my mother.

“This agreement, including the promises from NGN for delayed resolution was, obviously, a major factor as to why no claim was brought by me at that time.”

Prince Harry trial: Murdoch firm secretly paid Prince William phone-hacking settlement, court hears

12:19 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Prince of Wales has allegedly recently settled a claim over phone hacking against publisher News Group Newspapers, the High Court has been told.

It is the latest hearing in a number of legal battles being fought by the Duke of Sussex against UK press organisations taking place at the High Court in London.

Harry is suing News Group Newspapers (NGN), publisher of The Sun and the now-defunct News Of The World, over alleged unlawful information gathering at its titles.

NGN will ask a judge to throw out the case, as well as a similar claim brought against the publisher by actor Hugh Grant.

Prince Harry trial: Murdoch firm ‘secretly paid William phone-hacking settlement’

Prince William recently settled claim over phone hacking against News Group Newspapers, High Court hears

12:11 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Prince of Wales has allegedly recently settled a claim over phone hacking against publisher News Group Newspapers, the High Court has been told.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Surprise guest ‘blown away’ by invitation to King Charles’ coronation

11:19 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A vicar from a parish church in Norfolk has spoken of his surprise after receiving an official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

The Reverend Matthew Price of Gorleston’s Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston, Norfolk, said he was “blown away” by the illustrations on the invitation, which were designed by artist Andrew Jamieson.

Price, 45, became a British Empire Medal recipient in 2020 for his work in the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of recipients have been invited to be part of the 2,000-strong congregation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May.

Surprise guest ‘blown away’ by invitation to King Charles’ coronation

ICYM: Prince Harry set to give evidence in court case against Mirror newspaper publisher

10:17 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

While a legal battle will commence this morning at the High Court in London, another hearing is already scheduled for the summer.

The Duke of Sussex is to return to the High Court in June to give evidence in his claim against a tabloid newspaper publisher over phone-hacking allegations.

Harry is one of a number of high-profile figures bringing damages claims against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) over alleged unlawful information gathering at its titles.

The trial of four “representative” cases is due to begin on May 9 and to last for six to seven weeks.

At a preliminary hearing on Wednesday, Julian Santos, for Harry and other figures bringing claims, said all the witnesses on their side would be giving evidence in person.

Prince Harry set to give evidence in court case against Mirror newspaper publisher

Meghan Markle makes surprise appearance to introduce friend’s Ted Talk

09:55 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise public appearance to introduce a longtime friend’s Ted Talk.

Meghan appeared in a video to introduce photographer Misan Harriman, who was about to deliver his speech.

“Our next speaker has an unmatched eye for a good photograph,” she said.

“I’ve experienced his talent firsthand as he has captured many meaningful milestones for me and my family, and I know there are many others who share in this experience.”

Photographs of the Sussexes that Harriman has captured include Princess Lilibet’s first birthday portrait.

Meghan Markle makes surprise appearance to introduce friend’s Ted Talk

Latest hearing in Prince Harry’s legal battle with UK press to begin today

09:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The latest hearing in a number of legal battles being fought by the Duke of Sussex against UK press organisations is due to take place at the High Court in London.

Harry is suing News Group Newspapers (NGN), publisher of The Sun and the now-defunct News Of The World, over alleged unlawful information gathering at its titles.

NGN will ask a judge to throw out the case, as well as a similar claim brought against the publisher by actor Hugh Grant.

Lawyers for the publisher are expected to argue at a hearing on Tuesday, before Mr Justice Fancourt, that Harry‘s claim was made too late and should be struck out.

 (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
(Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

The hearing is expected to last three days and the judge will determine whether their claims will progress to a trial, which is due to be heard in January next year.

The claim is one of a number of legal actions currently being brought by the duke, who appeared in person at the High Court last month for a preliminary hearing against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), publisher of The Mail and Mail On Sunday.

He is also expected to give evidence at a trial over allegations of unlawful information against tabloid publisher Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN), due to begin next month, with Harry due to appear in court in June.

The publisher of titles including The Mirror, The Sunday Mirror and The Sunday People, MGN has previously settled a number of claims against it in relation to unlawful information gathering, as has NGN.

The Duke of Sussex is involved in other litigation against newspapers and is bringing two separate legal actions against ANL, one over The Mail On Sunday’s coverage of his judicial review against the Home Office about his security arrangements for his family when they are visiting the UK.

The other is over alleged unlawful information gathering at ANL titles, which is being brought alongside other high-profile figures including Baroness Doreen Lawrence and Sir Elton John.

Hearings took place last month in both of his legal actions against ANL and rulings are awaited in each.

Harry has been outspoken in his criticism of the British press, most recently in his memoir Spare and in a number of television interviews.

Tuesday’s hearing is due to start at 10.30am.

Proclaimers song removed from King’s coronation playlist

Monday 24 April 2023 15:34 , Kate Ng

A classic song by the Proclaimers has been removed from King Charles III’s coronation playlist after complaints were received over their anti-monarchy views.

Craig Reid and Charlie Reid of the Proclaimers perform at the celebration of the World Premiere of
Craig Reid and Charlie Reid of the Proclaimers perform at the celebration of the World Premiere of

The track, “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)”, will no longer feature on the official celebration playlist, according to a report.

The playlist is compiled by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. It includes other tracks such as “Daddy Cool” by Boney M, “Come Together” by The Beatles, and “Our House” by Madness.

It previously included Dizzee Rascal’s “Dance Wiv Me”, but DCMS removed the song after members of the public pointed out that the grime artist was convicted of assaulting his ex-fiancee.

Craig and Charlie Reid of the Proclaimers, who are Scottish, have made their republican views clear over the years.

Last year, Charlie spoke out in support of Symon Hill, who shouted: “Who elected him?” during a proclamation ceremony for the King in Oxford.

He was taken away from the event in a police van and he was charged with using threatening or abusive words, or disorderly behaviour. His case was later dropped.

Former royal butler explains how Camilla will be feeling ahead of coronation

Monday 24 April 2023 14:00 , Ellie Muir

Although King Charles III has been preparing for his coronation his entire life, Queen Consort Camilla’s trajectory has been rather different.

Because her life has taken such a different turn, the couple’s former butler has predicted that Camilla will be “nervous” on the day both she and the King are crowned.

From their 6 May coronation, Camilla will be known as Queen Camilla. Her new title was confirmed in the official coronation invitiations, which was designed by Andrew Jamieson.

Read the full story below:

Former royal butler explains how Camilla will be feeling ahead of coronation

Sarah Ferguson reveals why she was not invited to King’s coronation: ‘You’re either in or out’

Monday 24 April 2023 13:00 , Ellie Muir

Sarah Ferguson has broken her silence about why she wasn’t invited to King Charles III’s coronation next month.

The 63-year-old book author confirmed that she wouldn’t be attending the event at Westminster Abbey on 6 May during Thursday’s episode of ITV’sGood Morning Britain. She said she didn’t get an invitation and wasn’t offended about it, as she and Prince Andrew, who is the son of the late Queen Elizabeth II, have been divorced since 1996.

“It’s a state occasion and being divorced, I don’t think you can have it both ways,” she said. “I am divorced, and I’m really loving being divorced to my ex-husband, not from my ex-husband, it’s quite a differentiate.”

Read the full story below:

Sarah Ferguson reveals why she was not invited to King’s coronation

Fans praise Prince William’s sweet comment about Kate Middleton during Birmingham visit

Monday 24 April 2023 12:30 , Ellie Muir

Fans are praising Prince William for making a sweet comment about his wife Kate Middleton during the couple’s walkabout in Birmingham, England.

On Thursday, the Prince and Princess of Wales attended a few royal engagements in the city and even paid a visit to an Indian street food restaurant. The pair also greeted members of the public.

In a video shared to Twitter by Free Radio News, William could be seen shaking hands with and saying hello to fans in the crowd. After greeting the royal, one fan gushed about Kate’s attire: “That is an amazing outfit Kate has got on!” she said.

Fans praise Prince William’s sweet comment about Kate Middleton in Birmingham

Kate Middleton hints at what she’s wearing for King’s coronation

Monday 24 April 2023 11:30 , Ellie Muir

Kate Middleton gave a hint about what her outfit for King Charles III’s coronation will be during a recent conversation with ITV host Alison Hammond.

Read the full story below:

Kate Middleton hints at what she’s wearing for King’s coronation

Sarah Ferguson comments on what Princess Diana would have thought of Harry and Meghan

Monday 24 April 2023 11:00 , Ellie Muir

The subtle sign King Charles is unhappy or stressed: ‘You would probably never notice’

Monday 24 April 2023 10:30 , Ellie Muir

A former royal butler who previously worked for King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla has revealed how to tell when the monarch is displeased.

Grant Harrold, who worked for the then-Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall from 2004 to 2011, said he never saw the royal get “angry” but has seen him when he was stressed.

He said that now, even after more than a decade since he last worked for the couple, he can tell when the King is “unhappy” by simply watching him on television.

Kate Ng reports:

The subtle sign King Charles is unhappy or stressed

Tom Parker Bowles rejects Prince Harry attack on Camilla: ‘I don’t care what anyone says’

Monday 24 April 2023 10:00 , Ellie Muir

Tom Parker Bowles, son of Queen Consort Camilla, has hit back at Prince Harry’s claim that his mother played an “end game” to become Queen.

Parker Bowles is the eldest child of Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles, who were married from 1973 to 1995. They also share daughter Laura Rose Lopes (née Parker Bowles).

On Thursday 20 April, the 48-year-old British food writer appeared on The News Agents podcast where he discussed Camilla’s marriage to Charles, insisting that she just “married the person she loved”.

Read the full story below:

Tom Parker Bowles rejects Prince Harry attack on Camilla

Queen Camilla’s coat of arms updated ahead of coronation

Monday 24 April 2023 09:30 , Ellie Muir

The Queen Consort’s coat of arms has been updated to reflect her husband becoming King.

Camilla’s coat of arms was first granted by the late Queen in 2005 to mark her 58th birthday that year, but now has new elements befitting the wife of the monarch.

The College of Arms outlined the changes in its April newsletter: “At Buckingham Palace on February 21, His Majesty The King granted arms to Her Majesty Queen Camilla by Warrant.

Read the full story below:

Queen Camilla’s coat of arms updated ahead of coronation

How Prince Archie ‘will celebrate his fourth birthday’ on Coronation Day

Monday 24 April 2023 09:00 , Ellie Muir

Prince Archie’s fourth birthday, which coincides with Coronation Day, will reportedly be celebrated with a “low-key” party at Harry and Meghan’s home in California.

On 12 April, Buckingham Palace announced that Harry will attend the coronation of King Charles III and Camilla on 6 May. Meanwhile, Meghan will remain in Montecito with their children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

It is believed that Archie’s fourth birthday – which falls on 6 May, the same day as the coronation – was one of the factors that informed the couple’s decision.

Read the full story below:

How Prince Archie ‘will celebrate his fourth birthday’ on Coronation Day

Prince William ‘has no interest’ in speaking to Prince Harry before King’s coronation

Monday 24 April 2023 08:30 , Ellie Muir

Prince William reportedly has “no interest” in speaking to Prince Harry before King Charles and Camilla’s coronation next month.

The Duke of Sussex wrote about their fraught relationship in his memoir Spare, which was released in January this year.

Harry alleged that William once “knocked me to the floor” during an argument about Meghan in 2019.

Read the full story below:

Prince William ‘has no interest’ in speaking to Prince Harry before King’s coronation

Why Camilla’s ex-husband is attending the coronation

Monday 24 April 2023 08:00 , Ellie Muir

Camilla’s ex-husband Andrew Parker Bowles will be present at Westminster Abbey for her and King Charles III’s coronation ceremony next month.

The Queen Consort was married to Parker Bowles for 22 years before they divorced in 1995. The following year, he married Rosemary Pitman who died from cancer in 2010.

Meanwhile, Camilla married the then-Prince of Wales in 2005.

On Saturday (22 April), The Sunday Times reported that Parker Bowles, 83, will attend the swearing-in ceremony of his ex-wife, as the pair remain “joined at the hip”.

A friend of Parker Bowles told the publication: “He arranges so much for her. They have lunch together the whole time. He’s right in there. He was always, and still is, Camilla’s co-conspirator.”

Read the full story below:

Why Camilla’s ‘naughty’ ex-husband is attending the coronation

Meghan Markle criticises ‘frankly ridiculous’ coronation claim

Monday 24 April 2023 07:31 , Ellie Muir

Meghan Markle has denied reports claiming that her decision not to attend Charles’s coronation was influenced by correspondence between herself and the then-Prince of Wales.

On Friday (21 April), it was reported that the Duchess of Sussex had written to Charles about unconscious bias within the royal family.

The letter was allegedly sent in the aftermath of Harry and Meghan’s appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show in March 2021, per a report by the Daily Telegraph.

Responding to the reports, the Sussexes have issued a statement that was shared via royal commentator Omid Scobie’s Twitter account.

“The Duchess of Sussex is going about her life in the present, not thinking about correspondence from two years ago related to conversations from four years ago,” their statement read. “Any suggestion otherwise is false and frankly ridiculous. Responding to the reports, the Sussexes have issued a statement that was shared via royal commentator Omid Scobie’s Twitter account.

“The Duchess of Sussex is going about her life in the present, not thinking about correspondence from two years ago related to conversations from four years ago,” their statement read. “Any suggestion otherwise is false and frankly ridiculous.

“We encourage tabloid media and various royal commentators to stop the exhausting circus that they alone are creating.”

Read the full story below:

Meghan Markle criticises ‘frankly ridiculous’ coronation claim

Sarah Ferguson says the ‘spotlight’ needs to ‘come off’ Prince Andrew

Thursday 20 April 2023 17:00 , Ellie Muir

Sarah Ferguson has said that the spotlight needs to “come off” Prince Andrew in order for him to “rebuild” his life.

Prince Andrew was accused of sexual abuse by Virginia Giuffre, who claims that she was trafficked by convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The duke has vehemently denied the allegations and claimed he never met Giuffre.

He lost his HRH and royal titles as a result of the allegations and has not been a working royal since 2020.

Read the full story below:

Sarah Ferguson says the ‘spotlight’ needs to ‘come off’ Prince Andrew

Camilla had no ‘end game’ to be Queen and married for love, her son insists

Thursday 20 April 2023 16:30 , Ellie Muir

The Queen Consort’s son has hit back at claims Camilla played an “end game” to become Queen – saying she “just married the person she loved”.

Tom Parker Bowles, speaking on The News Agents podcast, insisted: “I think change happens but I don’t care what anyone says – this wasn’t any sort of end game.

“She married the person she loved and this is what happened.”

His remarks counter allegations by his stepbrother the Duke of Sussex, who branded Camilla “dangerous” in his autobiography Spare and wrote how she played “the long game”, with a campaign aimed at marriage and “the crown”.

Read the full story below:

Camilla had no ‘end game’ to be Queen and married for love, her son insists

‘It could save your life’: Prince William urges people to check potential signs of bowel cancer

Thursday 20 April 2023 16:00 , Ellie Muir

Sarah Ferguson comments on what Princess Diana would have thought of Harry and Meghan

Thursday 20 April 2023 15:00 , Ellie Muir

Former royal butler recounts ‘brilliant’ practical joke King Charles got involved in

Thursday 20 April 2023 14:30 , Ellie Muir

A former royal butler has reflected on King Charles III’s “amazing” sense of humour and recalled a practical joke played on him involving the monarch.

Grant Harrold worked for the King and Queen Consort Camilla from 2004 to 2011, when they held the titles of Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.

Speaking during an event this week, Harrold recalled his first visit with the couple to the Castle of Mey in Caithness, on the north coast of Scotland.

Read the full story below:

Former royal butler recounts hilarious practical joke King Charles ‘was in on’

King Charles breakfast habit debunked by former royal butler

Thursday 20 April 2023 14:00 , Kate Ng

A royal butler who used to work for King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla has debunked a rumour about the monarch’s breakfast habits.

Grant Harrold, who worked for the then-Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall from 2004 to 2011, was asked about a claim made in Jeremy Paxman’s 2006 book On Royalty.

The journalist claimed that Charles would have “a series of eggs was cooked and laid out in an ascending row of numbers” to determine which one he liked best - but Harrold doesn’t believe it.

Find out why:

King Charles breakfast habit debunked by former royal butler

Queen’s decision to strip Prince Andrew’s HRH title was her final ‘self-sacrifice’, new documentary claims

Thursday 20 April 2023 13:00 , Kate Ng

The late Queen’s decision to remove the Duke of York’s HRH and military titles following his settlement of a lawsuit over alleged sexual abuse was her “final gesture of self-sacrifice”, a documentary has claimed.

Prince Andrew was accused of sexual abuse by Virginia Giuffre, who claims that she was trafficked by convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The duke has vehemently denied the allegations and claimed he never met Giuffre.

The late Queen Elizabeth II, who died last year, responded to the allegations by making the decision to remove his HRH titles.

Read the full story:

Queen’s decision to strip Andrew’s HRH title was her final ‘self-sacrifice’

Sarah Ferguson says the ‘spotlight’ needs to ‘come off’ Prince Andrew

Thursday 20 April 2023 12:00 , Kate Ng

Sarah Ferguson has said that the spotlight needs to “come off” Prince Andrew in order for him to “rebuild” his life.

The Duchess of York, also known to the public as Fergie, told the ITV hosts that the spotlight “needs to come off” the disgraced royal to allow him to “rebuild” his life following the sexual abuse allegations.

Ellie Muir reports:

Sarah Ferguson says the ‘spotlight’ needs to ‘come off’ Prince Andrew

Camilla will be ‘nervous’ and ‘terrified’ on coronation day, her former butler predicts

Thursday 20 April 2023 11:22 , Kate Ng

Although King Charles III has been preparing for his coronation his entire life, Queen Consort Camilla’s trajectory has been rather different.

Because her life has taken such a different turn, the couple’s former butler has predicted that Camilla will be “nervous” on the day both she and the King are crowned.

Read more:

Camilla will be ‘nervous’ and ‘terrified’ on coronation, her former butler predicts

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’, report claims

Wednesday 19 April 2023 17:00 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III is using the coronation to heal family divisions, including reconciling with Prince Andrew, sources claim.

Sources have told The Telegraph that the King is using the coronation to “mend” family divisions, including bringing Andrew, the Duke of York in “from the cold”.

Read the full story below:

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 16:30 , Ellie Muir

Calligraphers have been carefully putting the finishing touches to the personalised invitations for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

Images released on the royal family’s official social media accounts show the names of recipients being transcribed by hand in “New Royal Blue” ink on the large, intricately-decorated invitations for the 6 May ceremony.

Among the invites pictured on the royal family’s Instagram account was one for Max Woosey, dubbed “the boy in the tent”, who raised more than £750,000 for North Devon Hospice by camping in his garden for three years.

His invitation was jointly addressed to his father Mark, who is accompanying him.

Read the full story below:

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Lionel Richie shares most important lesson he’s learned about royal protocol ahead of King’s coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 16:00 , Ellie Muir

Lionel Richie has shared the most important lesson he learned about royal protocol ahead of his performance at King Charles III’s coronation in May.

The singer spoke about the upcoming coronation concert during a recent interview with E! News at the 2023 Breakthrough Prize ceremony on Saturday. When asked if he’s “well-versed” about the different rules within the British monarchy, Richie noted that this isn’t his first time around the royals, but there are still things for him to learn about royal protocol.

One thing that he’s always remembered was: “Be prepared, just be sure to just say sir and ma’am, forget everything else. Just remember sir and ma’am, and you kind of walk your way through.”

Amber Raiken reports:

Lionel Richie shares important lesson he learnt about royal protocol

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Wednesday 19 April 2023 15:30 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III “asked” Katy Perry to take a selfie with a member of his staff when they first met.

After the King’s former deputy private secretary, Scott Furssedonn-Wood, admitted to the King that his children “love” the singer, Charles decided to ask Perry on Furssedonn-Wood’s behalf.

It comes as Buckingham Palace announced that Katy Perry will be performing at the King’s coronation concert on 7 May.

The “I Kissed a Girl” singer will be joined by Take That and Lionel Ritchie, who were all announced as headliners for the coronation concert on Friday (14 April).

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Why Kate Middleton ‘resents’ Meghan Markle, according to a royal expert

Wednesday 19 April 2023 15:00 , Ellie Muir

Kate Middleton felt “resentment” towards Meghan Markle for causing her to miss Queen Elizabeth II’s final moments, according to the author of a new royal book.

Royal commentator Robert Jobson, who is the author of Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed, made new claims about the late monarch’s family during a recent interview with Australian publication The Daily Telegraph. He noted that before the Queen died at her home in Scotland in September, immediate members of her family rushed to the city to see her.

Read the full story below:

Why Kate Middleton ‘resents’ Meghan Markle

Coronation 2023: King Charles to swap royal robes for simple white shirt during anointment ceremony

Wednesday 19 April 2023 14:45 , Ellie Muir

The moment King Charles III is anointed during his coronation on 6 May will be one of “stillness and simplicity”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

In his foreword for the official coronation souvenir programme, Justin Welby said the sacred ceremony will be “the only part of the ceremony the public will not see”.

He wrote of the “magnificence and pomp” of the historic occasion – Britain’s first coronation since that of the late Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 – but added: “In the midst of this glorious spectacle is a moment of stillness and simplicity.

Read the full story below:

King Charles to swap royal robes for simple white shirt during anointment ceremony

Coronation Concert: Everything you need to know about King Charles’s musical celebration

Wednesday 19 April 2023 14:15 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III’s coronation is almost upon us, with a Bank Holiday weekend full of celebrations fast approaching.

The official coronation takes place on Saturday 6 May, with a coronation concert taking place the following evening on Sunday 7 May.

Staged at Windsor Castle and broadcast across the BBC, the concert will feature performances from Take That, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie.

Read the full story below:

Everything you need to know about King Charles’s coronation concert

Media scrutiny played into Meghan’s decision not to attend coronation, report says

Wednesday 19 April 2023 13:58 , Kate Ng

The Duchess of Sussex’s decision not to attend the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla was influenced by potential media scrutiny, it has been claimed.

A source close to the Sussexes has claimed that Meghan “wants to be there to support” the King, but “the scrutiny she receives outweighs the support” from the media and the public.

Read more:

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 13:45 , Ellie Muir

Calligraphers have been carefully putting the finishing touches to the personalised invitations for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

Images released on the royal family’s official social media accounts show the names of recipients being transcribed by hand in “New Royal Blue” ink on the large, intricately-decorated invitations for the 6 May ceremony.

Among the invites pictured on the royal family’s Instagram account was one for Max Woosey, dubbed “the boy in the tent”, who raised more than £750,000 for North Devon Hospice by camping in his garden for three years.

Read the full story below:

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

King Charles’s coronation quiche recipe sparks mixed reaction

Wednesday 19 April 2023 13:15 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III and Queen Camilla have chosen a quiche as their signature dish for the upcoming coronation, but the decision has received mixed reactions amidst an ongoing egg shortage in the United Kingdom.

Ahead of the King’s coronation on Saturday 6 May, the royal couple unveiled the recipe for their “coronation quiche” to be enjoyed at Big Lunch events being staged as part of the coronation. The recipe for the open-baked savoury tart includes spinach, broad beans, tarragon, cheese, and of course, eggs.

Meredith Clark reports:

King Charles’s coronation quiche recipe sparks mixed reaction

Royal photographer explains what we can expect from King Charles’ coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 12:45 , Ellie Muir

A royal photographer has revealed what the British public can expect to see as the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla unfolds on Saturday 6 May.

Tim Rooke, who has photographed the royal family for Shutterstock for the past 30 years, tells The Independent that he believes the coronation will have “all the pomp and significance you’d expect of a royal event” despite being significantly smaller than the 1953 coronation of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

He also shares a few of his favourite photographs of Charles and Elizabeth from his career.

Kate Ng reports:

Royal photographer explains what we can expect from King Charles’ coronation

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle handed ‘olive branch’ in King’s coronation programme

Wednesday 19 April 2023 12:10 , Ellie Muir

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are included in the official souvenir programme for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

A family portrait from 2018 is featured, showing Charles and Camilla, then the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall; Prince William and Kate Middleton, previously the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and their three children.

It was taken to mark Charles’s 70th birthday in 2018 and came six months after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

Kate Ng reports:

Harry and Meghan given ‘olive branch’ in King Charles’ coronation programme

Camilla ‘hurt’ to be branded ‘villain’ by Prince Harry, friend claims

Wednesday 19 April 2023 08:40 , Peony Hirwani

Queen Camilla was reportedly left “hurt” over being labelled “the villain” by Prince Harry in his memoir, a source has suggested.

In Spare, which was released in January, Prince Harry claimed that his stepmother leaked stories about the royal family to the media to bolster her image.

“I have complex feelings about gaining a step-parent who I thought had recently sacrificed me on her personal PR altar,” he wrote.

In a new interview, sources close to the Queen have been reflecting on her journey ahead of her coronation.

“Of course it bothers her, of course it hurts. But she doesn’t let it get to her,” Fiona Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of Lansdowne, told The Sunday Times of Camilla’s reaction to the memoir.

Ellie Muir reports.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on King Charles III’s anointment

Wednesday 19 April 2023 08:00 , Peony Hirwani

The moment King Charles III is anointed during his coronation on 6 May will be one of “stillness and simplicity”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

In his foreword for the official coronation souvenir programme, Justin Welby said the sacred ceremony will be “the only part of the ceremony the public will not see”.

He wrote of the “magnificence and pomp” of the historic occasion – Britain’s first coronation since that of the late Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 – but added: “In the midst of this glorious spectacle is a moment of stillness and simplicity.

Welby also revealed that during the mysterious anointing ceremony, the King will swap his “robes of status and honour” for a simple white shirt.

This signifies the monarch as coming before God as a servant “in the full knowledge that the task is difficult and he needs help”.

Kate Ng reports.

Nicki Minaj jokes she will be at King Charles’ coronation: ‘Scones on dekk’

Wednesday 19 April 2023 07:20 , Peony Hirwani

Nicki Minaj has joked that she will be attending the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla on 6 May.

It comes after the rapper, 40, released a collaborative track with Ice Spice, titled “Princess Diana”, this week.

Promoting the new song, she tweeted on Monday (17 April): “I’ll be attending the coronation. Thank you. Stream ‘Princess Diana’ until I land. Scones on dekk [sic]. Whole lotta gang s***.”

Kate Ng reports.

Nicki Minaj jokes she will be at King Charles’ coronation

Everything you need to know about King Charles’s musical celebration

Wednesday 19 April 2023 06:40 , Peony Hirwani

King Charles III’s coronation is almost upon us, with a Bank Holiday weekend full of celebrations fast approaching.

The official coronation takes place on Saturday 6 May, with a coronation concert taking place the following evening on Sunday 7 May.

Staged at Windsor Castle and broadcast across the BBC, the concert will feature performances from Take That, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie.

Isobel Lewis has curated everything you need to know about the musical celebration.

Everything you need to know about King Charles’s coronation concert

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 06:00 , Peony Hirwani

Calligraphers have been carefully putting the finishing touches to the personalised invitations for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

Images released on the royal family’s official social media accounts show the names of recipients being transcribed by hand in “New Royal Blue” ink on the large, intricately-decorated invitations for the 6 May ceremony.

Among the invites pictured on the royal family’s Instagram account was one for Max Woosey, dubbed “the boy in the tent”, who raised more than £750,000 for North Devon Hospice by camping in his garden for three years.

His invitation was jointly addressed to his father Mark, who is accompanying him.

Laura Elston reports.

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Coronation souvenir programme includes ‘olive branch’ to Harry and Meghan

Wednesday 19 April 2023 05:20 , Peony Hirwani

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are included in the official souvenir programme for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

Kate Ng reports.

Coronation souvenir programme includes ‘olive branch’ to Harry and Meghan

King Charles’s coronation quiche sparks mixed reaction amid egg shortage

Wednesday 19 April 2023 04:40 , Peony Hirwani

King Charles III and Queen Camilla have chosen a quiche as their signature dish for the upcoming coronation, but the decision has received mixed reactions amidst an ongoing egg shortage in the United Kingdom.

Meredith Clark reports.

King Charles’s coronation quiche sparks mixed reaction amid egg shortage

Lionel Richie shares most important lesson he’s learned about royal protocol ahead of King’s coronation

Wednesday 19 April 2023 04:00 , Peony Hirwani

Lionel Richie has shared the most important lesson he learned about royal protocol ahead of his performance at King Charles III’s coronation in May.

The singer spoke about the upcoming coronation concert during a recent interview with E! News at the 2023 Breakthrough Prize ceremony on Saturday. When asked if he’s “well-versed” about the different rules within the British monarchy, Richie noted that this isn’t his first time around the royals, but there are still things for him to learn about royal protocol.

One thing that he’s always remembered was: “Be prepared, just be sure to just say sir and ma’am, forget everything else. Just remember sir and ma’am, and you kind of walk your way through.”

Amber Raiken reports.

Lionel Richie shares lesson he learned on royal protocol ahead of King’s coronation

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’, report claims

Tuesday 18 April 2023 20:00 , Kate Ng

King Charles III is using the coronation to heal family divisions, including reconciling with Prince Andrew, sources claim.

Sources have told The Telegraph that the King is using the coronation to “mend” family divisions, including bringing Andrew, the Duke of York in “from the cold”.

Read more:

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’

Camilla ‘hurt’ to be branded ‘villain’ by Prince Harry, friend claims

Tuesday 18 April 2023 19:30 , Kate Ng

Queen Camilla was reportedly left “hurt” over being labelled “the villain” by Prince Harry in his memoir, a source has suggested.

In a new interview, sources close to the Queen have been reflecting on her journey ahead of her coronation.

“Of course it bothers her, of course it hurts. But she doesn’t let it get to her,” Fiona Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of Lansdowne, told The Sunday Times of Camilla’s reaction to the memoir.

Camilla ‘hurt’ to be branded ‘villain’ by Prince Harry, friend claims

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Tuesday 18 April 2023 19:00 , Kate Ng

King Charles III “asked” Katy Perry to take a selfie with a member of his staff when they first met.

After the King’s former deputy private secretary, Scott Furssedonn-Wood, admitted to the King that his children “love” the singer, Charles decided to ask Perry on Furssedonn-Wood’s behalf.

Ellie Muir has the story:

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Coronation bank holiday weekend: How to throw a street party to celebrate King Charles III

Tuesday 18 April 2023 18:30 , Kate Ng

As the UK prepares to crown a new monarch for the first time in more than 70 years, many will be planning street parties and Big Lunches, which are a mainstay at royal celebrations.

Last year, neighbourhoods throughout the country threw parties for everyone in the community to enjoy for the late Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee.

We’ve asked the experts for their top tips on throwing the ultimate coronation street party:

How to throw a coronation street party to celebrate King Charles III

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Tuesday 18 April 2023 18:00 , Kate Ng

Calligraphers have been carefully putting the finishing touches to the personalised invitations for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

Images released on the royal family’s official social media accounts show the names of recipients being transcribed by hand in “New Royal Blue” ink on the large, intricately-decorated invitations for the 6 May ceremony.

Read more:

Calligraphers hand-finish personalised invitations to King’s coronation

Everything you need to know about King Charles’s musical celebration

Tuesday 18 April 2023 17:30 , Kate Ng

The official coronation takes place on Saturday 6 May, with a coronation concert taking place the following evening on Sunday 7 May.

Staged at Windsor Castle and broadcast across the BBC, the concert will feature performances from Take That, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie.

Isobel Lewis has everything you need to know:

Everything you need to know about King Charles’s coronation concert

Nicki Minaj jokes she will be at King Charles’ coronation

Tuesday 18 April 2023 17:00 , Kate Ng

Nicki Minaj has joked that she will be attending the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla on 6 May.

It comes after the rapper, 40, released a collaborative track with Ice Spice, titled “Princess Diana”, this week.

Promoting the new song, she tweeted on Monday (17 April): “I’ll be attending the coronation. Thank you. Stream ‘Princess Diana’ until I land. Scones on dekk [sic]. Whole lotta gang s***.”

Get the full story here:

Nicki Minaj jokes she will be at King Charles’ coronation

Coronation coins with first ever crowned effigy of King Charles III revealed by Royal Mint

Tuesday 18 April 2023 16:30 , Kate Ng

A crowned portrait of the King will for the first time feature on a new range of commemorative coins created to celebrate the upcoming coronation.

The collection, which includes a 50p and £5 coin, will be released later this month ahead of the historic 6 May celebration.

The effigy, which was designed by artist and sculptor Martin Jennings and is emblazoned on the highly collectible coins, depicts King Charles III wearing the Tudor crown.

Coronation coins with first ever crowned effigy of King Charles III revealed

Prince Harry ‘held peace talks’ with King Charles ahead of coronation announcement

Tuesday 18 April 2023 16:00 , Kate Ng

Prince Harry held “peace talks” with his father, King Charles III, before his presence at next month’s coronation was confirmed.

According to a friend of the Sussexes, Harry reached out to Charles ahead of confirming his attendance at next month’s coronation.

As reported by The Telegraph, a friend of the couple said that there had been some “positive conversations” between the father and son.

Prince Harry ‘held peace talks’ with King Charles ahead of coronation announcement

Inside Camilla’s journey to the royal inner circle

Tuesday 18 April 2023 15:30 , Kate Ng

A former member of King Charles’s court has recalled the challenges in coordinating his wedding to Camilla.

In a new interview, a former courtier of the King has looked back on the task that Sir Michael Peat, Charles’s principal private secretary at the time, had in order to achieve a successful wedding for the pair.

Nicole Vassell has the full story:

Inside Camilla’s journey to the royal inner circle: ‘The union had to be accepted’

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Tuesday 18 April 2023 15:00 , Kate Ng

King Charles III “asked” Katy Perry to take a selfie with a member of his staff when they first met.

After the King’s former deputy private secretary, Scott Furssedonn-Wood, admitted to the King that his children “love” the singer, Charles decided to ask Perry on Furssedonn-Wood’s behalf.

Ellie Muir reports:

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

‘Coronation Quiche’ chosen as celebratory recipe of King Charles’s coronation

Tuesday 18 April 2023 14:30 , Kate Ng

King Charles III and the Queen Consort have personally chosen the recipe to mark their forthcoming coronation.

Ahead of the coronation in May – and the Big Lunches being staged as part of the celebrations – the royal couple have shared the recipe for their “coronation quiche”.

The recipe for the open-baked savoury tart, which features spinach, broad beans and tarragon, was shared on the royal family’s official Twitter account.

‘Coronation Quiche’ chosen as celebratory recipe of King Charles’s coronation

Tuesday 18 April 2023 14:00 , Kate Ng

Calligraphers have been carefully putting the finishing touches to the personalised invitations for King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla’s coronation.

Images released on the royal family’s official social media accounts show the names of recipients being transcribed by hand in ink on the large, intricately-decorated invitations for the 6 May ceremony.

Among the invites pictured on the royal family’s Instagram account was one for Max Woosey, dubbed “the boy in the tent”, who raised more than £750,000 for North Devon Hospice by camping in his garden for three years.

A small team from London Scribes Calligraphers, which has worked for the Royal Household for more than 15 years, is writing the invitations by hand using traditional italic dip pens and bespoke mixed inks.

King Charles includes photo of Harry and Meghan in official coronation souvenir programme

Tuesday 18 April 2023 13:30 , Kate Ng

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are included in the official souvenir programme for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

A family portrait from 2018 is featured, showing Charles and Camilla, who were then the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall; Prince William and Kate Middleton, previously the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and their three children.

Read the full story below:

King Charles includes photo of Sussexes in official coronation souvenir programme

Archbishop explains what will take place during the anointing of King Charles

Tuesday 18 April 2023 12:40 , Kate Ng

The moment King Charles III is anointed during his coronation on 6 May will be one of “stillness and simplicity”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

In his foreword for the official coronation souvenir programme, Justin Welby said the sacred ceremony will be “the only part of the ceremony the public will not see”.

Find out what else he said in the programme here:

Archbishop explains what will take place during the anointing of King Charles

Deepak Chopra says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are ‘struggling’ amid royal family rift

Tuesday 18 April 2023 12:01 , Ellie Muir

Author Deepak Chopra has said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are “struggling right now” amidst their rift with the British royal family.

The Indian-American mindfulness expert, who appeared on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s holiday special podcast back in 2020, recently gave insight into the Sussexes’ current state of mind as Harry prepares to attend King Charles III’s coronation next month.

While speaking to The Daily Mail at a red carpet event in London, Chopra said about his work with the royal couple: “I enjoyed the podcast and interacted with them. It has been periodic – they’re struggling right now.”

Read the full story below:

Deepak Chopra says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are ‘struggling’

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’, report claims

Tuesday 18 April 2023 11:30 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III is using the coronation to heal family divisions, including reconciling with Prince Andrew, sources claim.

On Wednesday (12 April), Buckingham Palace announced that the Duke of Sussex would attend the King’s coronation on 6 May, while the Duchess, Meghan, will remain in California with their two children, Archie and Lilbet.

Sources have told The Telegraph that the King is using the coronation to “mend” family divisions, including bringing Andrew, the Duke of York in “from the cold”. The Independent has contacted Buckingham Palace for comment.

Read the full story below:

King Charles to ‘mend’ family divisions as Prince Andrew brought in ‘from the cold’

Prince George to carry a sword at King Charles’s coronation ‘to protect grandfather’

Tuesday 18 April 2023 11:01 , Ellie Muir

Prince George will carry a ceremonial sword at King Charles III’s coronation in May as a traditional representation of him acting as a protector of his grandfather.

The nine-year-old is second-in-line to the throne and will hold a small ceremonial sword in his role as the Page of Honour.

His parents, Prince William and Kate, the Princess of Wales are said to be “very excited and delighted” about his role as Page of Honour.

Read the full story below:

Prince George to carry a sword at King Charles’s coronation ‘to protect grandfather’

Inside Camilla’s journey to the royal inner circle: ‘The union had to be accepted’

Tuesday 18 April 2023 10:30 , Ellie Muir

A former member of King Charles’s court has recalled the challenges in coordinating his wedding to Camilla.

In a new interview, a former courtier of the King has looked back on the task that Sir Michael Peat, Charles’s principal private secretary at the time, had in order to achieve a successful wedding for the pair.

Read the full story below:

Inside Camilla’s journey to the royal inner circle: ‘The union had to be accepted’

Prince Harry ‘held peace talks’ with King Charles ahead of coronation announcement

Tuesday 18 April 2023 10:01 , Ellie Muir

Prince Harry held “peace talks” with his father, King Charles III, before his presence at next month’s coronation was confirmed.

On Wednesday (12 April), Buckingham Palace announced that Harry will attend the ceremony, while Meghan will remain in California with their children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

According to a friend of the Sussexes, Harry reached out to Charles ahead of confirming his attendance at next month’s coronation.

As reported by The Telegraph, a friend of the couple said that there had been some “positive conversations” between the father and son.

The report states that Harry did not speak to his elder brother, William, Prince of Wales, as part of this reconciliation.

Full story below:

Prince Harry ‘held peace talks’ with King Charles ahead of coronation announcement

‘Coronation Quiche’ chosen as celebratory recipe of King Charles’s coronation

Tuesday 18 April 2023 09:30 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III and the Queen Consort have personally chosen the recipe to mark their forthcoming coronation.

Ahead of the coronation in May – and the Big Lunches being staged as part of the celebrations – the royal couple have shared the recipe for their “coronation quiche”.

Read the full story below:

‘Coronation Quiche’ chosen as celebratory recipe of King Charles’s coronation

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Tuesday 18 April 2023 08:30 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III “asked” Katy Perry to take a selfie with a member of his staff when they first met.

In a new Twitter post, an ex-royal household employee recalled the meeting, which happened in 2019 and was the first time the monarch met the “California Gurls” singer.

Sharing a selfie with Perry, as well as a picture of the American musician smiling next to the King, Furssedonn-Wood wrote: “I was with The King in Mumbai in 2019 when he first met her. I had told him how much my kids loved her.”

“Those of us in the team never asked for selfies,” he said, adding that Charles asked the musician on his behalf.

“So HRH [His Royal Highness] kindly asked for me ‘He and his family are such fans!’”

Read the full story below:

King Charles ‘asked Katy Perry for selfie’ on behalf of private secretary

Camilla ‘hurt’ to be branded ‘villain’ by Prince Harry, friend claims

Tuesday 18 April 2023 08:00 , Ellie Muir

Queen Camilla was reportedly left “hurt” over being labelled “the villain” by Prince Harry in his memoir, a source has suggested.

In Spare, which was released in January, Prince Harry claimed that his stepmother leaked stories about the royal family to the media to bolster her image.

In a new interview, sources close to the Queen have been reflecting on her journey ahead of her coronation.

“Of course it bothers her, of course it hurts. But she doesn’t let it get to her,” Fiona Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of Lansdowne, told The Sunday Times of Camilla’s reaction to the memoir.

Read the full story below:

Camilla ‘hurt’ to be branded ‘villain’ by Prince Harry, friend claims

Kate Middleton ‘resents’ Meghan Markle for causing her to miss the Queen’s final moments, author claims

Tuesday 18 April 2023 07:30 , Ellie Muir

Kate Middleton felt “resentment” towards Meghan Markle for causing her to miss Queen Elizabeth II’s final moments, according to the author of a new royal book.

Royal commentator Robert Jobson, who is the author of Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed, made new claims about the late monarch’s family during a recent interview with Australian publication The Daily Telegraph.

He noted that before the Queen died at her home in Scotland in September, immediate members of her family rushed to the city to see her.

“Privately, he wanted to say Meghan was not welcome but he couldn’t say that to Harry so he personally intervened and asked Kate to stay back so that it was fairer on Meghan.”

He added: “Kate deliberately stayed away but she desperately wanted to be there with the Queen in her last moments. That’s eaten Kate up and has built up resentment towards Meghan.”

Read the full story below:

Kate ‘resents’ Meghan for causing her to miss the Queen’s last moments, author claims

Charles’s Diana ‘agony’ to heated exchanges with William: 6 talking points in new biography about the King

Monday 17 April 2023 17:00 , Ellie Muir

A new biography about King Charles III, authored by royal biographer Robert Jobson, has been released.

The book, titled Our King Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed, charts the new monarch’s trajectory from his birth to his ascension to the throne, which took place after the death of Queen Elizabeth II last year.

It also contains new claims about members of the royal family and about Charles’s personal feelings on how certain events in his life have unfolded.

Read the full story below:

The 6 biggest moments in new King Charles biography

King Charles III makes TIME 100 Most Influential People list

Monday 17 April 2023 16:30 , Ellie Muir

King Charles III has been named as one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2023.

The new monarch appeared on the list under the Icons category, alongside author Salman Rushdie, Chinese dissident Peng Lifa, actor Jennifer Coolidge, trans journalist Imara Jones, and others.

Kate Ng reports:

King Charles III makes TIME 100 Most Influential People list