Sacramento mayor stands with President Biden following phone call with California mayors

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg affirmed his support of President Joe Biden following a phone call the president had with California Democratic mayors on Tuesday evening.

During a call, Biden emphasized abortion rights and infrastructure, Steinberg said.

“His presence was powerful,” Steinberg said in a statement to The Sacramento Bee Wednesday. “His voice resonated with conviction and clarity. He thoroughly articulated the stark differences between a second Biden administration and that of Trump, emphasizing critical issues such as choice, pledging that Roe v. Wade will once again become the law of the land. Additionally, he underscored the importance of investing in American cities. Unlike Trump’s tenure, his leadership has paved the way for a decade of robust infrastructure development.”

The call, organized by the Democratic Mayors Association lasted about 40 minutes — mostly consisting of listening to Biden, Steinberg said. The call came in the wake of a debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump, where Biden’s performance has spurred a call for him to not seek reelection due to his age. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Steinberg ally, has also been standing by Biden during this time, including campaigning for him in battleground states.

“Some see the Democratic Party debate over these past weeks as division and weakness,” Steinberg said. “I don’t. Leaders and people of good will care deeply about our democracy and the country, and are appalled by the prospect of the insurrection President regaining power. Now that the discussion has been had, and without ignoring the challenge, we have one choice: Fight to win. President Biden is running. We must uplift his innumerable great strengths, his character, his record, and his fight for our country. Just like Harry Truman, we have one choice. Give ‘em hell Joe.”

Steinberg, former Senate pro tem in the California Senate, will have his term end as mayor in December.