Saskatoon Muslims hold open house at Islamic Centre

It was an open house — for Islam.

This weekend Saskatoon's Islamic Centre opened it's doors to the community. The group hosted tours of its mosque, had a barbecue and answered people's questions about the religion.

Nisa Bano, an 18-year-old who helped organized the event, says she likes answering questions about her faith because she knows there are misconceptions about Muslims.

"We are just normal people, just like everybody else," she said.

Bano said that every community member brings their own lifestyles and cultures to the table and that doesn't make anyone less Canadian.

"We are still all equal," Bano said.

The event offered information about the traditions of Muslims around the world, from Ethiopia to Lebanon.

Hanan Elbardough, another one of the event's organizers, was born in Lebanon and has lived in Canada for the past 30 years. She said said she finds people in Saskatoon accepting and kind.

Elbardough said the goal of the event was to make friends and teach others about the religion.

"We're trying to make them feel welcome," Elbardough said. "This is who we are, this is our centre and that's what we do in here."