Sound Off: July 1, 2024

Your hero

Ready now for the keyboard liberals to tell me President Biden won the debate.

Now I’m worried

I am a woke, liberal Democrat and I am concerned about President Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump. To me, the biggest issue is that Trump will damage our democracy. A president should have the country’s best interest as their platform. Trump does not and if you support him neither do you.

Wrong curriculum

Oklahoma is requiring that teachers teach from the Bible. This is violation of the Constitution, which clearly states church and state should be separate. Many came to America to escape religious persecution. Obviously some want to change this, but now, the constitution should be followed.

Paging Dr. Biden

All of us should be scared to death to imagine a military emergency in our country and have President Biden freeze up like a deer in headlights. If I saw a loved one going through this agonizing public scrutiny, especially with these obvious physical conditions, I think I would feel a need to protect him and be able to encourage an honorable retirement.

So many lies

The New York Times and the Sun Herald had an excellent account of who lied or exaggerated at the debate of Donald Trump and President Biden. These articles give details of lies or exaggerations. Of course, Trump won the lie game by a mile. I would suggest everyone read these articles to educate themselves.

Somebody step in

The First Lady should be ashamed of herself for allowing the president to be used by White House insiders for political purpose. It looks like she is enjoying her status. It is now obvious to all who saw the debate that he is slipping cognitively and could not complete another four-year term in office. The Democrats do not care if he completes another term or not, as long as he can get elected. Kamala Harris is biding her time, waiting in the wings. Not good for America.

Illness and lies

Unfortunately, President Biden had a cold at the debate. If his cold was anything like the cold that I am just getting over, I applaud him for even showing up. Biden was not at his best, but Donald Trump was laughable. I guess I forgot that he is the best at everything he does. Not only the best today, but the best in all history.

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