Sound Off: July 2, 2024

Debates and speeches

After watching the Presidential Debates last night and Biden’s rally speech in North Carolina today. I decided the best treatment for a “cold” is teleprompters and an early schedule at an older age. The next Democratic president will ultimately be Kamala.

Panic mode

The Democrats are in full panic mode. The New York Times is calling for Biden to step down and yet 33% of liberals think that Biden actually won the debate. Let that sink in.


I take no pleasure, nor should anyone else, in seeing our president falter, mumble, and appear disoriented on the national stage. It was pitiful to watch and realize that this man has his hand on the nuclear codes. With his current diminished cognitive ability, how is it expected that he can serve another four-year term. The American people deserve better options for president. President Biden does OK reading a TelePrompTer, but cannot perform without it. That is why there are no press conferences. And the sympathetic media feed him softball questions. His family should intercede and convince him to withdraw from the campaign.

A movie script

Thirty years ago, there was a satirical political comedy titled “Dave.” An exact body double was secretly hired to impersonate the president during a medical emergency. The current White House staff’s efforts in preparing note cards for President Biden’s meetings, labeling videos of his gaffes as deep fakes, etc, reminds me of a similar deception. I think those actually calling the shots wanted to keep the public in the dark at least until after the election. We should all be infuriated by this.

Better person

Instead of taking a side, God wants each side to use the good sense he gifted us with to find a fair and honest solution that benefits everyone on both sides. President Biden follows the same principle with his bipartisan style of governance.

The new Karen

Somehow the name “Karen” came to denote brash, often outrageously entitled women. Now, we have the name “Jill” to describe a woman so addicted to power she’s willing to engage in elder abuse so she can ride on someone else’s coattails and bask in the glow of that person’s power. A “Jill” is a truly tragic figure.

Us, too?

Vladimir Putin makes nuclear threat to NATO nations. Does that include the USA? How stupid would it be to launch a nuclear weapon that would be retaliated and potentially destroy the planet?

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