Sound Off for June 13, 2024

Justice prevailed

Hunter Biden was found guilty and he deserved it. What else you got? All you gun owners beware if you put on your permit application that you are not on drugs. Be careful what you ask for.

Revenge tour

We used to teach our kids honor, forgiveness and empathy. They watch us and emulate our behavior. So, whatever your child becomes is on you. They live in the world and will have to interact with all types of people. How will they treat them?


The latest lie from Donald Trump was this past week when he said he never said “lock her up” in reference to Hillary Clinton. The only thing he doesn’t lie about is the revenge he will seek against those who oppose him if he is elected. In 2016, it was the psychiatrists who most loudly warned us Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. It is not normal to have violent rhetoric against society. It is not good for any of us.

Middle-class anger

Middle-class Americans feel like no matter how hard they try, the lazy homeless and undocumented always seem to come out on top. Democrats love using your taxpayer dollars to buy votes.

Country song?

Who decides song categories? Is a song country because it’s performed by a country artist? Or by someone who wears cowboy boots? Or because (like Beyonce’s “Country Ain’t Country ...”) the lyrics are about country? I look to the ultimate authority, David Allen Coe, who would give this one a thumbs down because it doesn’t say anything about mama, or trains, or trucks, or prison, or gettin’ drunk.

Tiny homes

The Biloxi City Council recently voted to deny a request to build 7 tiny homes constructed from shipping containers. Why? The City Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the project after hearing hours of testimony, for and against. The City Council voted after only a few minutes of testimony. Why even have a Planning Commission if the council doesn’t trust their judgement? The residents of Edgewater Estates would rather see commercial development then these well-constructed, attractive homes that could provide affordable housing for students and faculty at Gulf Coast Community College. Did the council even look at the plans? These are not just rusted metal containers, but 1-time used containers that will be transformed into beautiful homes. They even planned to build a pickleball court, and green space with attractive landscaping. The developers of this project are honorable men who have a proven commitment for improving the Coast.

Local seafood

It’s a Catch-22. Imported seafood will kill the local seafood industry, and high priced local seafood will kill the seafood restaurants.

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