'Spring forward' is bad for your sleep and your health. There's a better alternative.

As we slog toward the end of winter, we’re starting to shift our focus to brighter days: warmer weather, spring flowers, more sunshine. After a long, cold season, most of us can agree we’re ready for warmer days – and more daylight hours, too!

But when it comes to daylight saving time, that conversation gets a little trickier. The biannual time change is no fun for anyone – we’re tired, our sleep schedules are out of whack, our pets are confused and try to wake us up well before our alarm clocks.

But DST also has been linked to more serious problems, including an increase in car accidents and serious health risks. Sleep medicine specialists at Northwestern Medicine say daylight saving time could be linked to cluster headaches, weight gain, an increased risk of heart attacks and a higher risk of stroke.

That makes one thing easy to agree on: With the increased risks in injury and health risks – and the general sleep challenges and annoyances most of us experience for at least a few days after – DST has got to go.

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Are they ending daylight saving time in 2023?

Americans are so united on this that the Sunshine Protection Act, a bill meant to put an end to the recurring time change and make daylight saving time permanent, passed unanimously through the Senate last year.

But the bill stalled in the House. According to Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the House is divided – by region, not party – on whether to do away with the biannual time change and which time should become the standard.

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I understand where the resistance to permanent daylight saving time comes from. Along with most other sleep experts, I think a shift to permanent standard time would benefit the health of the nation more than a shift to permanent DST. Permanent standard time puts us on a schedule that’s closer to the sun’s day and night cycle, which has dictated human habits and sleep schedules for millennia.

Of course, we understand the broad appeal of longer days. Who doesn’t love long, balmy summer nights? But overall, the negative health consequences that come with permanent DST aren’t worth it. Permanent standard time would be a much better switch for our natural body clocks.

The Sunshine Protection Act, a bill meant to put an end to the recurring time change and make daylight saving time permanent, passed unanimously through the Senate last year. But the bill has stalled in the House of Representatives.
The Sunshine Protection Act, a bill meant to put an end to the recurring time change and make daylight saving time permanent, passed unanimously through the Senate last year. But the bill has stalled in the House of Representatives.

Even if you don’t like permanent standard time for yourself, it’s worth thinking about the implications a change like this would have on children and teens.

Permanent daylight saving time doesn’t align with our natural circadian rhythms. Our sleep schedules are guided by the Earth's light and dark cycle. If we shift to darker mornings and lighter evenings, our sleep schedules would get thrown severely out of whack – a long-term issue with long-term implications.

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Too much light in the evening for prolonged amounts of time has been linked to a plethora of series health issues, such as: diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart disease, strokes, disruptions to the digestive and endocrine systems, mood disorders and reduced life expectancy.

A change to permanent DST would be particularly bad for teenagers. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, teens need between nine and nine and a half hours of sleep a night – that’s more than adults and young children need, and it’s less than many get now.

DST is especially hard for teens and their sleep

2015 study that examined long-running surveys of more than 300,000 American teens found that 40% get less than seven hours of sleep per night – far less than they need.

The relationship between sleep deprivation and depression should have alarm bells blaring in our heads when we look at these sleep statistics, especially given the rising rates of depression in teens.

Teenagers’ circadian rhythms naturally cause them to want to stay up later and wake up later. We’re already setting them up for failure by asking teens to wake up far earlier than their natural body clock wants for school.

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Think back to when you were in high school, or look to your own teenager’s daily routine. Do you remember how hard it was to wake up in the dark and be in homeroom by 7 a.m.? Or how difficult it was not to fall asleep during your least favorite subject? How about studying for a big exam when all you wanted to do was sleep?

These feelings are side effects of fighting the teenage body’s natural sleep needs, and shifting to permanent daylight saving time would exacerbate the issue.

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We can all agree that we’re ready to get rid of this biannual time change, both for the sake of our health and our sanity. But before you pick a side regarding permanent DST or standard time, think hard about the long-term effects – both for yourself and the teenagers you love.

Dr. Shelby Harris specializes in the use of cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression. She serves as director of Sleep Health at Sleepopolis and is a clinical associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Neurology and Psychiatry Departments.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Is the time change ending in 2023? Why daylight savings is bad for you