STM maintenance workers' wildcat strike deemed illegal

STM maintenance workers' wildcat strike deemed illegal

A wildcat strike by about 500 STM maintenance workers Thursday was indeed illegal, a judge with Quebec's administrative labour tribunal has ruled.

The workers walked off the job at 12:30 p.m. Thursday and did not return to finish their shift. They were replaced by workers on the night shift at 2 p.m.

The Tribunal administratif du travail held a hastily organized essential services hearing Thursday evening to deal with STM management's concern that pressure tactics could disrupt service on the morning of Montreal's first major snowfall of the season.

The ruling came down Friday morning.

The tribunal's essential services division ordered the workers' union, the STM-CSN, to take all necessary measures in order to put an end to the illegal pressure tactics.

The union said it had not organized or sanctioned the walkout.

The maintenance workers, who repair and service Montreal's buses and Metros, have been working with an agreement since their last one expired on Jan. 6.