Stop following old Covid rules and send sniffly kids to school, parents to be told

Sniffly children
Sniffly children

Parents will be told to stop the Covid-era practice of keeping children off school with sore throats and runny noses as part of a government push to tackle soaring absenteeism.

A nationwide marketing campaign is being launched today aimed at convincing parents to ensure their children go to all classes, under the strapline “moments matter, attendance counts”.

The number of secondary school children persistently absent in England has doubled in the last decade, from 567,000 in 2010 to 894,444 in 2021.

Both the Tory Government and the Labour Party are this week outlining their differing approaches to how to bring down absenteeism as school.

The Government is doubling the number of “attendance hubs” who give best-practice advice to other schools and expanding a mentor scheme championed by the charity Barnardo’s.

Bridget Phillipson, Labour’s shadow education secretary, on Sunday urged parents not to take children out of school for holiday trips and will give a speech on Tuesday outlining her plans.

Some of the spike in absenteeism is believed to be down to changed behaviours about when children are sent to school with respiratory illnesses in the wake of the Covid pandemic.

Bridget Phillipson, Labour’s shadow education secretary, urged parents not to take children out of school for holiday trips
Bridget Phillipson, Labour’s shadow education secretary, urged parents not to take children out of school for holiday trips - Jeff Overs/BBC

The Government wants people to follow advice issued by Prof Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, and other health experts about when a child with a cold should attend school.

The advice reads: “We are aware that the Covid-19 pandemic may have caused some parents to feel less confident with assessing whether their child is well enough to be in school so we have laid out some information which we hope you will find helpful.

“There is wide agreement among health professionals and educational professionals that school attendance is vital to the life chances of children and young people. Being in school improves health, wellbeing and socialisation throughout the life course. The greatest benefits come from children and young people attending school regularly.

“It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38C or above.”

The advice forms part of the Government’s new drive to convince parents to be tougher on their children’s regular attendance at school.

Other signatories for the advice were Pat Cullen of the Royal College of Nursing; Prof Kamila Hawthorne of the Royal College of General Practitioners; Dr Camilla Kingdon of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; William Roberts of the Royal Society for Public Health; and Dr Lade Smith of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

A head teacher called Samantha Reed also recently highlighted the problem in a blog on the Department of Education’s website.

She wrote: “We’ve also struggled with attitudes towards attendance since the Covid-19 pandemic. People were being told to stay off with a sore throat, and we’re now working hard to explain that this is no longer acceptable.”

Behavioural changes

The issue is one of a number of behavioural changes seen during the pandemic, such as employees working from home, that appear to have become longer-term trends.

One in four parents agree that the pandemic has shown it is not essential for children to attend school every day, according to new polling for the Centre for Social Justice.

Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, said: “The benefits of our success in raising education standards can only be when all children are in school.

“Tackling attendance is my number-one priority. We want all our children to have the best start in life because we know that attending school is vital to a child’s wellbeing, development, and attainment, as well as impact future career success.”

Some 28 per cent of secondary school pupils in England were classed as “persistently absent”, meaning they missed at least a tenth of school sessions, according to Labour analysis of Department of Education data.

In some areas, the figure is much higher, for example, in Knowsley in the North West, where the portion of secondary pupils persistently absent was 41 per cent.

Ms Phillipson adopted tough rhetoric on the subject during a round of interviews on Sunday, telling the BBC: “I think those parents that choose to take their children out of school for holidays or for trips or where it’s not necessary should reflect seriously. Because that damages children’s life chances, they only get one chance at school, they only get one childhood.

“For those parents who are facing additional challenges, and for children that are facing additional challenges, an incoming Labour government will make sure that we put in place the support that’s needed to tackle that.”

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