Texas kids’ reading scores fall as Fort Worth shutters school libraries. What irony | Opinion

Double whammy for students

Oh, the irony: The Star-Telegram reports failing and falling reading scores across grade levels and schools (Aug. 17, “Reading scores slip in Fort Worth on this year’s STAAR exam”) on the same front page with a report that Fort Worth school libraries will be closed to students during the first three weeks of class. (“Fort Worth ISD libraries closed as books scrutinized”) This could be the last time students with other responsibilities (family duties, part-time jobs) have a chance to wander into the library and check out something to read before homework assignments pile up.

As Mark Twain wrote: “In the first place, God created idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”

- Guelma B. Hopkins, Fort Worth

A future blessing from past pain

Reading about the former KKK state headquarters building becoming the Fred Rouse Center for Arts and Community Healing, (Aug. 14, 1A, “Blessing ceremony held for healing center at former KKK building”) I recall a dear memory from 1964.

As I was driving down North Main Street with my grandfather, he suddenly said: “Stop! This is where I came over from Dallas in 1924 to attend a celebration by a fraternal group, the Ku Klux Klan. I listened to them for a while, but when I realized what it was about, I quickly left, as I wanted nothing to do with it!”

Now, a century later, our white family knows that if he were alive today, he would be glad that grand old building is being transformed for the purpose of creative community healing. Thus, it can become a true blessing for many in the years to come.

- Rose Mitchell, Fort Worth

Trump forced many hands

To Donald Trump 2024 supporters: I’m a conservative Republican who voted for Joe Biden in 2020. Republicans like me and independents are one reason Biden was elected. Never in the 65 or so years I’ve been interested in politics has there been a presidential candidate more vulnerable than Biden is now — even many Democrats don’t want him to run. And yet, if Trump is our nominee, I believe Biden will win again.

I would vote for any of the other Republicans, even Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy, but I will never vote for Trump. Sadly, if necessary, I will vote for Biden again. If Trump were a statesman who cares more about the country than himself, he would drop out to increase the chances of electing a Republican.

- Cheryl Patterson, Granbury

Just won’t leave Trump alone

Nicole Russell asks, how many charges against Donald Trump will it take to say enough is enough? (Aug. 17, 11A, “Criminal charges cloud Trump in 2024 election bid”) The question exposes the Democrats’ plan: Keep throwing everything at Trump through the courts, and maybe something will stick. Maybe the former president will tire of the attacks. Maybe he will exhaust his resources.

When is enough enough? It will end when the voters, both Republicans and Democrats, recognize that the Biden administration and its acolytes have corrupted the system to attack political foes. It is enough to say this is not the American political process.

- Ray Harris, Fort Worth

No justice for Timothy Shorter

I’m baffled by our district attorney’s office giving probation and no jail time to a woman whose drunken driving caused the death of Timothy Shorter. (Aug. 19, 1A, “Woman gets probation in Arlington DWI plea deal”) When are we going to start holding people responsible for their choices and actions? Sending this woman to prison would be a good start and might also send an important message.

- Lynn Miller, Granbury