I thought the COVID-19 pandemic was over – until I infected my family

On Nov. 23, like most days, I worked out at the gym and attended a physical therapy session for a knee replacement I had years ago. Following my session, I came home feeling tired and run down. I slept it off and felt well-rested the next morning and ready to spend Thanksgiving with my family. My parents and siblings’ families joined us in the festivities, and we spent the evening soaking up each other’s company.

The following day, I walked into my kitchen to indulge in a plate of leftover turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, only to discover I was unable to taste any of it. Having felt ill on Wednesday and now losing taste, a key indicator of COVID-19, I decided to take a COVID test. It was positive.

As I let my family know, I received a call from my mom, who, in a panic, told me she needed my help lifting my father off the floor. “Your father’s too weak to move, something’s wrong,” she said.

The morning after Thanksgiving, we rushed my dad to the hospital and found out not only had he contracted COVID, but he also had strep and a 103-degree fever. I was to blame for giving COVID-19 to my elderly, high-risk, medically sensitive dad. Soon after, my wife and son tested positive. Now I was responsible for three people I love contracting the virus.

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COVID isn't going anywhere

Family is especially important to me, if not the most important thing in the world. When the Titans moved to Nashville, I moved my parents to Nashville with me. They live around the corner and are extremely present in my life. When the pandemic started, my mom and I were constantly worried about keeping my dad safe and healthy. He has a lengthy medical history, having experienced three strokes that left him paralyzed on his right side. My dad uses a walker and takes proper measures to ensure his health is not compromised.

For much of the world, COVID treatments might as well be a myth: How to help everyone, everywhere endure the next stage.

I have always been careful during the pandemic and wondered where I might have caught it. Then I recalled I had a massage that Monday and the therapist was constantly coughing and was previously out of work sick. She was not wearing a mask, but the possibility of contracting COVID didn’t occur to me.

Yet here I was not only having contracted it, but also unwittingly passing it along to almost my entire family and, the day prior, exposing my physical therapist, Paul, who could have easily caught it as well. Paul has a high-risk toddler with Down syndrome and heart issues. Paul takes COVID protocols very seriously and constantly wears a mask while working and sterilizes his equipment. Then I thought, what if I also gave Paul COVID and he gave it to his children?

Like many, I thought the pandemic was over – until I infected half my family on Thanksgiving. Three years after its initial outbreak, it is clear COVID isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so we must learn to live with it and educate ourselves on how we can protect ourselves and our families.

That is why I am proud to be part of the “GEAR UP, Tennessee!” public awareness campaign with my fellow Tennessee NFL alumni players – including Warren Moon, Jevon Kearse, Delanie Walker, Al Smith, Chris Johnson, Blaine Bishop, Chris Sanders and Neil O’Donnell – in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Health.

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We want to remind all Tennesseans that COVID is still here and encourage everyone to talk to their doctors to make an informed decision to get vaccinated.

COVID vaccines minimize risk

Throughout my football career, before stepping onto the field, I always made sure I had on my helmet, pads and other protective gear. And while that equipment did not eliminate the risk of injury, I knew it would minimize the severity and keep me in the game.

Fortunately, my family – including my dad – and I are fully vaccinated. We are all on the road to recovery, yet I think about how much worse it could have been had we not been vaccinated. I don’t know if my dad would have made it. I couldn’t have lived with myself if he hadn't.

Brad Hopkins
Brad Hopkins

COVID-19 is just another risk in life we must all protect against. Protection allows us to do the things we love and be with the people we love without risking their lives in the process.

My Thanksgiving experience has taught me much. If you’re traveling or gathering with family and friends, make sure you gear up and protect yourself – and them – against COVID-19.

Brad Hopkins is a former All-Pro offensive tackle who played his entire 13-year NFL career with the Houston Oilers/Tennessee Titans organization.

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This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: I thought COVID was over. Then I infected my family.