Tiles and coins found at city's youth club site

Coloured tiles discovered during dig at Preston's youth zone site
Coloured tiles were some of the artefacts uncovered as preparation work took place at the site near to the bus station [LDRS]

Artefacts that could be up to 300 years old have been uncovered on the site of a city's new youth centre.

A coin from the 19th century, a ceramic bottle believed to be from the 18th century and some coloured tiles were uncovered at the land being prepared for Preston's Youth Zone, near the city's bus station.

The perimeter of an old mill building was also uncovered during work to clear the plot for the new £11m facility.

Contractors were asked to carry out an archaeological dig as part of the planning permission.

Site of Preston's new youth zone where site being cleared for preparation
The finds were made during work to clear and prepare the plot for the new £11m facility [LDRS]

The items have been recorded and a report on their full significance is being drawn up, with decisions to be taken later on how to preserve.

A Preston Youth Zone spokesperson said: “While Preston Youth Zone is all about the future and our young people, it really is interesting to see our great city’s history within our site.

"We’re excited to learn more about the history of the items."

Coin found during dig at site of Preston's youth zone
A full report into the significance of the items is being drawn up [LDRS]

The Youth Zone's new brand will be revealed at the end of June as the project moves towards construction, they added.

Two names are on the table, Base and Vault, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

It is being built on grassland bordering Lord Street, Tithebarn Street and Crooked Lane.

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