Greater Toronto Area hit once again with deteriorating air quality Friday

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After a brief reprieve from the wildfire smoke on Thursday morning, unfortunately, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and surrounding regions will likely see another air quality deterioration Friday, possibly lingering into Saturday, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

Smoke plumes from forest fires in northeastern Ontario and Quebec may bring high levels of air pollution into the region. This comes after the City of Toronto recorded the worst air quality in the world on Wednesday.

Toronto air quality june 28 2023
Toronto air quality june 28 2023

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"Wildfire smoke can be harmful to everyone’s health even at low concentrations," the ECCC air quality statement advised. It is important to limit time outdoors, especially for those who are more vulnerable to adverse effects from wildfire smoke.

The air quality and visibility due to wildfire smoke can fluctuate over short distances and can vary considerably from hour to hour.

As conditions worsen, the ECCC recommends stopping or reducing activity if you feel unwell or breathing becomes difficult. If you must spend time outdoors, consider wearing "a well-fitted respirator-type mask" and continue to monitor the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) as the day progresses.

Thumbnail courtesy: Nathan Howes

Continue to check in with The Weather Network for more weather updates for Ontario.