Toy Story 3 writer shares completely different original ending

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Toy Story 3 writer shares different endingDisney/Pixar

Toy Story 3 writer Michael Arndt has revealed that the film originally had a completely different ending.

The final climax of the 2010 film saw Andy's toys narrowly escape being incinerated at the dump, before being donated to Bonnie (a child from the daycare centre) after finding their way back home.

However, in an interview on Script Apart Podcast, Arndt explained that the film's ending had originally been less dramatic - with the toys engaging in a race against time to make it home to see Andy before he left for college.

"The initial third act in the first draft was, they escaped from Sunnyside [daycare] and then they realised that Andy's leaving for college in like 10 minutes and they have no time to get home to Andy's house," he began.

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Realising they're next to Al's Toy Barn, the group head in and take a radio controlled car, motorcycle and airplane in order to make the journey back in time, with plenty of hiccups along the way.

"It's sort of this comedy sprint to the finish where you have a ticking clock and Andy's about to leave for college ... and then the motorcycle runs out of battery and they have to all hop on the car and then the car runs out of batteries and they all have to hop on the plane," Arndt continued.

"Then the climax was, they all are on the plane and they just slide through the window and go smashing into Andy's bedroom just as he's walking up the stairs and he finds his toys there and packs them all away."

Revealing how Toy Story 3 evolved into the final story, Arndt recalled a conversation with director Lee Unkrich about depicting the life cycle for toys.

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"Lee Unkrich said, 'If this is the last Toy Story film, then we have to go to the end of a toy's life cycle. We have to see what the end looks like for toys'," Arndt revealed, adding that the decision to nearly have the toys incinerated came about after wanting to make things as "bad as possible" for the toys.

"You always want to make things worse for your characters," he said. "You always want to make things as bad as possible."

All of the Toy Story movies are available to watch on Disney+.

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