Who is with Trump in Atlanta for the debate? VP contenders top the list

Former president Donald Trump arrived in Atlanta Thursday evening for the first presidential debate of the 2024 election against President Joe Biden.

Many eyes are on Trump's entourage, which could include his pick for a vice presidential running mate. At least 19 people have been floated as VP candidates, but Trump is likely to be looking for someone loyal, above all else.

There will be no live studio audience at the debate, hosted by CNN, but surrogates for both campaigns will appear in the spin room, where candidates talk to the press before and after the debate.

Here is a look at who is joining Trump in Atlanta:

Presidential debate live updates: Trump and Biden in Atlanta for 9 p.m. EST debate

Vice president contenders in Atlanta for debate

These Trump surrogates, who have also been floated for the vice presidential candidacy, are part of the entourage in Trump's spin room:

Ben Carson and Lindsey Graham are also in Atlanta for debate-related events, Axios reported.

Trump's VP options: Sizing up their pros and cons from J.D. Vance to Kari Lake

Is Trump's family in Atlanta?

Footage from Trump landing in Atlanta shows he deplaned alone, and it is unclear if his wife Melania or other members of his family are there with him.

Trump's niece, Mary, an outspoken critic of her uncle, is appearing in Atlanta on behalf of the Biden campaign.

Watch the first presidential debate

Tune into the CNN Presidential Simulcast starting at 9 p.m. ET.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Who's with Trump at presidential debate? VP contenders in entourage