Crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown

Australia's financial crime watchdog is investigating casino giant Crown Resorts on possible breaches of anti-money laundering laws.

It involves Crown's main casino in Melbourne, being investigated following a compliance assessment started last year.

The investigation's concerns were focused on: "Crown Melbourne's management of customers identified as high risk and politically exposed persons", according to a statement by Crown.

It adds to the headache for billionaire James Packer who owns 37 percent of the company, as it pushes ahead with a plan to open a new casino in Sydney in December.

This follows another inquiry, that has also been airing allegations of "dysfunctional" senior management, poor risk control and false public statements.

It's called into question why the company is opening a casino during a review which will decide if it can keep its licence.

The investigation was triggered by media reports last year which accused Crown of doing business with casino tour, or "junket", operators who had not been vetted for organised crime links.

Crown initially denied the allegations, but has acknowledged at the inquiry that parts of the denial were misleading.