Poles go to the polls in presidential run-off

Poland goes to the polls to select a new president in a run-off vote. The first ballot on May 10 saw incumbant Bronislaw Komorowski put under pressure by the challenge of Andrzej Duda. However, both candidates failed to get the necessary 50 percent of the vote to claim outright victory. Both men are essentially conservative with the current president claiming stability in leadership is vital considering the problems in neighbouring Ukraine. Komorowski is a strong supporter of the European Union and is seen as a more progressive politician that the challenger. Duda takes a conservative stance on a number of social issues he is anti-abortion, anti-same sex marriage and IVF treatment. Poland has seen its economy boom in recent times, but it appears that many are disillusioned because they see no improvement in their “daily lives”: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/40b65d34-0059-11e5-b91e-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz3b23q5rFL