Boy In Islamic State Video Is From London

The family of a young boy used by Islamic State as a propaganda tool in its latest video have called for him to be brought back to the UK. The youngster - thought to be aged under five - is the son of Grace "Khadija" Dare, a Muslim-convert extremist from Lewisham in southeast London. He appears in the 10-minute video, which has not been independently verified, wearing an IS bandana and a camouflage outfit. It also shows a masked militant with a British accent threatening the UK, and footage of five men of Middle Eastern appearance wearing orange jumpsuits - who IS said were British spies - being shot dead. The boy's grandfather Sunday Dare blasted IS for using the youngster in the footage and called for him to be brought home from Syria. "That video is just propaganda. He is just a small boy, he doesn't know any different. They are just using him as a shield," the 59-year-old told reporters. He also appealed to his daughter - who changed her name to Khadijah before becoming a jihadi bride in Syria. "Grace, Grace, come home with my grandchildren. Come home, we love you, come and face the music. You caused it yourself, you've got to face the music," he said. "She should come back and face the music because she's let herself down. She let all of us down. She has brought shame to our family." His daughter was brought up as a Christian but converted to Islam before travelling to Syria in 2012. She then married Swedish IS fighter Abu Bakr, who is believed to have been killed. Dare said on social media she wanted to be the first British woman to kill a British or American IS hostage. Last year, she was said to have tweeted a picture of her son with an AK-47 rifle. :: Clues That Could Identify Masked IS Militant Security officials are examining the footage to try to identify the masked man who attacks David Cameron, labelling him "an imbecile" for launching airstrikes in Syria. He appears to mimic the style of the British man known as Jihadi John - real name Mohammed Emwazi - who was killed in a US drone strike in Syria in November. The chief suspect has been named in some media reports as 32-year-old Siddhartha Dhar - a Muslim convert from Walthamstow, east London. His sister, Konika Dhar, told Sky News she has doubts that it is him . There has been no official confirmation, and two facial recognition experts have told Sky News they believe the masked killer is not Dhar, also known as Abu Rumaysah. He was arrested in September 2014 as part of an investigation into the banned extremist group al Muhajiroun. He fled Britain to Syria with his family the following day after being released on bail.