Warning, bumps ahead: West Vancouver repeals speed bump policy

Warning, bumps ahead: West Vancouver repeals speed bump policy

Speed freaks on the North Shore will soon have an impediment to their enjoyment of uninhibited acceleration: the humble speed bump is making a return to West Vancouver.

The municipality banished speed bumps from its roads in 1987 as part of the district's official policy.

A council report on the subject suggests that at the time council may have directed staff to do so because of concerns they were a potential liability for low-clearance vehicles and bikes.

A district spokesperson said speed bumps at the time were narrow and high, and not well designed.

The report said the change was prompted by a community-driven desire to calm traffic and make roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists, especially near crosswalks and schools.

The policy was repealed at a council meeting Monday night, and four new speed bumps are now being proposed in the following spots:

- 600 block of Burley Drive.

- 600 block of Inglewood Avenue.

- 6,000 block of Eagleridge Drive.

- Westport Road at Marine Drive.

The report says the city will monitor traffic data to assess the effectiveness of the speed bumps.