Watch as Wonder Bread transforms into incredible heat resistant foam

A science experiment making the rounds on the Internet shows how a typical piece of food can be transferred into a material capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures.

Canadian YouTube user AvE uses a piece of white Wonder Bread and a special homemade oxygen-free oven to transform the bread into a piece of blackened carbon foam.

The blackened material may just look like a piece of badly burnt toast, but the shrunken end result is a substance that actually has amazing insulating properties.

The lightweight foam is, according to AvE, capable of withstanding temperatures as high as 6,600 degrees Celsius without melting. Not only can it stand up to the heat, this transformed piece of baking is also highly resistant to electricity as well.

Even a fiery blowtorch is no match against the carbonized slice of bread’s newly unlocked insulating properties. With results like this, it just goes to show that sometimes maybe you should play with your food.

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