Water Gardens, Botanic Garden and now Community Arts Center: Fort Worth’s a failure | Opinion

City doesn’t take care of things

Fort Worth’s city government is a bad steward. It neglected the Water Gardens until someone died. It neglected Heritage Park until it had to be fenced to keep people out. It neglected the zoo and Botanic Garden until they had to be turned over to private entities.

Now, it has neglected the Fort Worth Community Arts Center until a city task force determined it “may be too costly to save.” (June 11, 1C, “Aging Cultural District arts center may be too costly to save”)

Why is this not a scandal? Why do we tolerate the city constantly allowing public property to deteriorate until it’s dangerous or worthless? The city should stop acquiring assets unless it can promise to take proper care of them.

- George Michael Sherry, Fort Worth

Bishop fails to follow Jesus’ word

The good ol’ boys are sticking together, and a poor nun accused of sexual misconduct is named and defamed, her reputation tarnished around the nation and world, and she’s been dismissed from her position. (June 14, 1A, “Bishop says nun admitted breaking chastity vow with priest”)

Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson must be glad that at least he was not dealing with a pedophile such as those the church has protected for ages. Would that the bishop have followed Jesus’ actions as he did with the prostitute in the Bible when he said to her accusers, “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” Of course, none of us is without sin. Then, Jesus told the woman, “Go and sin no more.”

The bishop seems to have forgotten how to be a pastor and lead his sheep. He has forgotten to be human. He has forgotten to be compassionate.

- Cecelia Gilbreath, Fort Worth

Target, you have betrayed me

I have been a loyal Target shopper for 20 to 25 years. It’s a great one-stop store that makes what can be an arduous chore easy and fun. So, why did it take a controversial public stand for a tiny percentage of the population by selling merchandise supportive of transgender people? (June 14, 16A, “Target stores see more bomb threats over Pride merchandise”)

Families shop at Target, and we do so knowing that we don’t have to worry about bringing our kids or adult parents. If I go for a swimsuit, I should not have to worry about coming across one providing extra tucking space.

I have been betrayed, and for that, I say goodbye. I have cut up my Target Mastercard and deleted my customer account. If you believe in faith and family, I urge you to do the same.

- Karen Toole, Keller

Show Trump’s crimes, not face

When you cover Donald Trump, please limit the size and number of pictures of him. I cringe with each. They evoke a reaction similar to seeing a gunshot victim. Alternately, use photos of the scene of the crime, the judges, the lawyers, the documents, the interviewees, the boxes, the bathroom and ballroom.

When you report on the 2024 election, I ask for the same. Trump got so much free press last time. He deserves none now. How would you show a thief on trial? Treat his pictures the same way. My blood pressure thanks you.

- Martha Elizabeth Brown, Fort Worth

Trump won’t be going anywhere

In his June 11 column, Star-Telegram Opinion Editor Ryan Rusak asserts that Donald Trump cannot be reelected because he is under federal indictment. (5C, “Republicans who think indictment is cause to vote Trump have it backwards”)

Rusak is wrong. The Electoral College determines presidents, not the popular vote. Most independents eventually vote for the party they historically have voted for. Multiple indictments of Trump would have minimal effect. In addition, a third party, likely the No Labels party, might nominate someone who shaves votes from President Joe Biden.

Trump will be nominated, and this will be another nail-biter on election night.

- Mike Estes, Fort Worth

Don’t blow up our quiet skies

I read with amusement Thursday’s front-page story, “Tarrant County neighbors set up churches to foil fireworks.” Bravo to those residents for not backing down from a bully neighbor who has degraded not only their property values, but also their serenity, by setting up a fireworks stand on his 18-wheeler lot.

I especially love the new church set up by Neil Foreman called the Church of Peace and Quiet. If the residents of this unincorporated rural neighborhood need additional congregants to help them with their cause, I’d be happy to join. Let’s work together to keep our communities peaceful and safe from explosions.

- Carrie Balestrieri, Keller