Where to test water

Eganville – Where to get water tested was on the mind of not only a ratepayer but also Bonnechere Valley Mayor Jennifer Murphy.

“They weren’t talking about e-coli,” she said last week during council. “They were talking about hardcore metals and pollutants and I am really sensitive to it because of our aggregate mining.”

The mayor noted the health unit does test for e-coli. She asked Water and Sewer Manager Darryl Verch where people on a well could get their water tested for more than just e-coli.

“In Ottawa,” he said, noting there are several labs. “Individual people can send their stuff. They just have to make arrangements.”

He said the township water from the water treatment plant is tested for many things to fall within certain parameters.

“There are about 11 or 13 tests they do,” he said.

All these tests are done early in the year for the Eganville water system, he said.

The water is continually monitored in the plant. River bacteria was quite hot for about six weeks this year, perhaps because there was not a freshet, Mr. Verch said.

“Unless it was that hot spell early that caused it,” he said.

Now the levels are back to normal, he told council.

Debbi Christinck, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Eganville Leader