The Wolf of Wall Street’s ex-wife reveals truth about Martin Scorsese’s movie

Nadine Macaluso has spilt the truth about the accuracy of Martin Scorsese’s 2013 film, The Wolf of Wall Street.

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie as former real-life couple Jordan Belfort and Maculoso, the dramedy blockbuster follows the success and downfall of Belfort’s brokerage firm, which he built by scamming millionaires.

Based on Belfort’s 2007 memoir of the same name, the film remains fairly accurate to its source material. However, according to Macaluso – priorly Nadine Caridi – she would disagree with the movie’s portrayal of her “love life that was a Greek tragedy”.

“If you look at it through Jordan’s lens, it was really accurate. And I think that if you look at it through my lens, it wasn’t, and that makes sense because that was actually how our marriage was,” Macaluso said in a TikTok video.

“However, I went to therapy, I became a therapist, actually got my PhD and became an expert in relational trauma, and so I am able to discern his truth, my truth and everything in between.”

In a series of subsequent videos, Macaluso shared her perspective on specific scenes from the film and whether they were truthful or not.

“A lot of it wasn’t exactly true, but the boat scene was totally true,” she said, referencing the moment in the movie when Belfort’s yacht sunk and they were all rescued by the Italian Navy.

“It was horrific, horrifying. We were in a squall for 12 to 18 hours, and we lived,” Macaluso recalled.

She added that the film’s depiction of how she met Belfort was “pretty similar” to reality and confirmed that the scene of Robbie on the phone surrounded by a room full of flowers was truthful.

“I actually came home to an 800-square-foot apartment with 1,400 sq feet of flowers,” she said.

Later, she described meeting with Robbie so that the Australian actor could nail down Macaluso’s thick Brooklyn accent.

“I met with Margot and her speech coach in the lobby of my hotel, they taped me, and then I took her to dinner,” she remembered.

“[Robbie] was 22, she was adorable, she was so sweet. And in the middle of dinner, she said to me, ‘I’m really scared about being naked and all the sex scenes,’” Macaluso continued.

“And I said, ‘That’s it. Right there. That fear that you feel about speaking your truth to powerful men, embody that, and you’ll do a great job. And you know what? She did. She was fantastic.”

Macaluso and Belfort got married in 1991 and divorced in 2005. They share two children, Chandler and Carter.

Now remarried, Macaluso works as a licensed therapist for trauma bonding and uses her personal experiences to educate others.