Woman hides face behind lavender plants as Amazon package stolen from pensioner’s doorstep

Woman hides face behind lavender plants as Amazon package stolen from pensioner’s doorstep

A woman was caught on a doorbell camera appearing to use lavender plants to conceal her identity as an Amazon parcel was stolen from a bed-bound pensioner’s doorstep.

A small parcel was left hidden behind a bin by a delivery driver in the front doorway of a terraced home in Walthamstow at 5pm on Saturday.

The doorbell footage shows a woman in a pink tracksuit walk over, carrying a tray of lavender plants that conceal her face from view.

The woman approaches with her face hidden behind plants (Supplied)
The woman approaches with her face hidden behind plants (Supplied)

She picks up the small brown parcel and quickly makes a getaway, turning around with the saplings and vanishing from view.

The victim, who was in hospital at the time of the parcel theft, told The Independent: “I have literally just got out today. I couldn’t do anything to stop her.

“It wasn’t valuable, it was just a sample of speciality tea bags. But I was looking forward to getting out of hospital and trying them. I was really annoyed but I’m just glad it wasn’t anything expensive.

“I would tell her to grow a conscience. People who do things like that they don’t think of the people they are doing it against. She didn’t know what was in there - it was a lucky dip for her. She has to change her ways.”

The Met confirmed it has been contacted about the theft and was investigating.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: “On Saturday, 1 June, police received an allegation of theft after a parcel was reportedly stolen from outside a residential property in Walthamstow, E17. Enquiries are ongoing.”