Women Voice Themselves During a Global Pandemic

The world is hit with a crisis like no other. And while we fight this pandemic together, women and their allies have taken to social media to speak up about COVID-19; the impact this will have on the world and our immediate society. Women have also made sure to celebrate the little things during this time. Every week MAKERS India rounds up the reflections and deliberations of women online. Scroll through and see what they’ve had to say this week.

Stay home quote with coronavirus icon and stop sign
Stay home quote with coronavirus icon and stop sign

Ilhan Omar spoke up about the people who don’t have the luxury to be quarantined during this time.

Cathy Yan retweeted an important message from Nike during a time of social distancing.

Sonam Kapoor pointed out the sad reality of not educating the population on the importance of quarantining themselves.

And also gave a huge shoutout to the people on the front-lines.

The peaceful protest at Shaheen Bagh cleared up because of the lockdown, and many women offered their gratitude for the message of inclusivity that this protest demonstrated for the world.

The lack of facilities during this trying time was reported.

But, many women in India have shown the way by donating to support the Indian healthcare system.

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Many showed their support and celebrated Muslim Women’s Day

Despite lockdowns and quarantines, climate strikes have continued online.

Menaka Guruswamy tweeted about simple pleasures to get through this time.

Others talked about what they’ve been doing during India’s lockdown for 21 days.

But, most importantly, women made sure to talk about and educate others on how critical it is to stay at home.