Biggest Blunder winner: Costa Concordia

The captain of ship-wrecked Italian cruise liner the Costa Concordia has come face-to-face with survivors and victims' relatives.

It's hard to excuse a captain who drives a ship into the side of a cliff. The Costa Concordia disaster -- in which 30 passengers are known to have lost their lives -- is certainly nothing to make light of, but the fallout has some major lessons for business and crisis management.

Carnival operated Costa, and a number of other cruise lines, and suffered severely for its public image bungling in the aftermath of the tragedy. The company posted a loss of $139 million in March of this year, compared to $152 million in profit for the same period last year. It was the worst wreck in Carnival's history and the company's absence in the aftermath did little for its PR battle.

Yahoo! Canada readers had harsh words for the entire fiasco.


"Hands down the Costa Concordia was the biggest blunder of these four." - Pat

"Blunder could be the biggest understatement regarding the Cost Concordia sinking. Makes me shake my head and ask regarding the Captain, 'what was he thinking?!" - Makwa

Even the Costa crisis couldn't keep readers from taking a shot at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who finished second in our voting.

"It's got to be Rob Ford. The Costa Concordia only blundered and sank once."