Youth art gets big reveal and place of honour at wellness hub

Many hands made light work of the new art piece in Timmins Youth Wellness Hub.

The colourful canvas was the work of a dozen youths under the guidance of local artist Justice Sutherland.

“It’s been a blessing to be here, and I learned so much from the youth as well that it’s been very nourishing,” she said at the unveiling on May 8. “I’m so proud to see it all come together.”

The piece showcases the seven grandfather teachings with animals representing each value of humility, bravery, honesty, wisdom, truth, respect, and love. The youth gathered in the basement of the youth hub twice a week for two months to complete the painting.

Maddie Taillefer is working as a co-op student at the hub and said that while she doesn’t think of herself as artistic, working on the piece was a learning experience.

“I’m not very artistic, so it was a little difficult, but she taught us about the seven grandfather teachings, and we worked that into the painting,” she said. “You could just see our different artistic abilities coming together.”

Taillefer will be attending Canadore College next year for its social work program.

The team was involved in every step of the process, from treating the canvas to creating a frame, which is still in the works.

“It’s another skill I have to learn, and I want to make sure it’s perfect,” said Sutherland. “It will be a perfect frame one day!”

The project came together after Sutherland had done other work at Northern College.

“I came over and looked at the space, and we talked about it, and we came up with doing a piece with the kids about the seven grandfather teachings,” she said. “We got a total of 12 different youth coming in to paint it, so with so many hands on it, I’m just so glad it all came together and it harmonizes beautifully.”

The project was a chance to teach and learn, not only for Sutherland but also for the youth involved.

“You never hit a point where you know everything 100 per cent, so I feel like you’re always learning,” said Sutherland. “I’ll always be a forever learner, the more I go out and connect to others who want to express themselves, that passion builds that fire up inside.”

The Youth Wellness Hub Timmins is a space to support youth in need of mental health services, substance use support, counselling services, peer support, food, social programs, and other resources and tools.

The painting will be hung in a prominent spot in the youth hub location on Spruce Street South.

Amanda Rabski-McColl, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter,