AHS spent $990M on sole-source contracts, Wildrose says

Wildrose MLAs Rob Anderson and Heather Forsyth spoke to reporters about the untendered AHS contracts at a news conference Tuesday.

Alberta Health Services spent $990 million on sole-sourced contracts between January 2011 and January 2013, the Wildrose Party said Tuesday.

Documents obtained by the party through a freedom of information request showed the health board sole-sourced 1,275 contracts over that two-year period.

Wildrose finance critic Rob Anderson wonders why the contracts weren’t put out to public tender.

“Why are we not bidding these things out?” he asked. “Why are we not getting the best possible price for taxpayers?"

According to AHS policy, all contracts worth more than $75,000 must be put out to public tender.

Although 503 of the 1,275 contracts exceeded that amount, the dollar value added up to 98 per cent of the total.