Batman fan carves signal into his moustache

Batman fan carves signal into his moustache. Photo courtesy of

The Dark Knight has risen once again, not from the depths of his inner struggles, but from the scruff of this man's facial hair.

Reddit user chrismusaf posted an image to Reddit of an image he described as his friend's new 'stache. It depicts a man with the Batman symbol carved into his dark hair.

Holy moustache, Batman. Responses vary from compliments to suggestions that the facial hair is creepy.

But could the new representative of the comic book facial hair movement beat the last incarnation of a Batman beard and moustache? It's time for an international competition.

Naturally, the World Beard & Moustache Championships already exist, though the contestants appear to have moved far, far beyond carving bats into their hair. Still, most of these bearded fellows probably deserve to be superheroes for their hair-styling feats alone.

In the race for ultimate Batman fandom, the Batstache enthusiasts fall behind Chris Weir, a superhero-lover so dedicated he built an elaborate, $150,000 Batcave within his home.

The cave, complete with a secret entrance, contains a home theatre and a huge collection of memorabilia. You won't find a Superman DVD in this house. What might Weir say in response to the Batstache?

Quick, to the razor!

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